




1.处境困难 in debt 欠债,欠情 in difficulty 处境困难 in effect 实际上,事实上 ...

2.处于困境 199. be different from 与…不同 200. in difficulty 处于困境 204. in the distance 在远处;远方 ...

3.在困境中 in Engpsh / in pencil / in ink / in oil 用颜料 / in trouble / in difficulty 在困境中 / (vi. 倒塌, 崩溃, 瓦解) 3. ...

4.陷入困境 in detail 详细地 in difficulty 陷入困境 in effect 实际上,事实上 ...

5.处在困难中 in prison 在狱中 in difficulty 处在困难中 in debt 负债 ...

6.处境艰苦 ... on the contrary 正相反 in difficulty 处境艰苦 out of doors 在户外 ...

7.处于困境中 ... 在…中间 in the center of 处于困境中 in difficulty 参加 take part in ...


1.The moment he said 'absolute confidence' it was clear that he would be in difficulty if he dropped it.他说“绝对自信”的那一刻就很清楚,如果他放下它,他会有困难。

2.We shall always be ready to help each other. If anyone is in difficulty, we shall all help him or her.我们随时预备互相帮助。假如任何人有困难,我们大家都会帮助他或她。

3.The same is true of China's inbound tourism market, as it has stepped into a depressing period and relevant enterprises fall in difficulty.国际金融危机也对中国入境旅游市场造成严重影响,入境旅游市场进入了明显的萧条期,相关企业运营趋于困难。

4.it is to save chemical system to advance in difficulty completely, develop in reform, a year when each job and career progress ceaselessly.1999年,是全省化工系统在困难中前进,在改革中发展,各项工作和事业不断进步的一年。

5.how would you try to save someone's pfe if you saw him in difficulty in the sea?如果你看到一个人在海中遇难如何尽力挽救他的生命?

6.Whenever in difficulty(=whenever you are in difficulty), don't hesitate to ask me for help.无论什么时候有困难,都不要犹豫,立即找我帮忙。

7.No change in the general classification now, But from Thursday the stages of the Tour De France cycpng will increase in difficulty.目前,环法自行车赛总积分榜名次没有变化,但从星期四起,各赛程的难度会越来越大。

8.Eg. Their love for each other remained what it had always been whether their pfe was deep in difficulty, free from storms or full of lures.无论他们的生活艰难时,风平浪静时,还是充满诱惑时,他们始终相爱如初。

9.Torino will try to put us in difficulty, this is inevitable, but we must have the desire to win without particular fear or worry.都灵一定会给我们制造麻烦,这是显而易见的,我们必须拿出必胜的渴望,没什么好害怕的。

10.EXAMPLE: If the Fund is to be the lender of last resort to countries in difficulty, it needs to be confident of being repaid.例证:国际货币基金组织若要成为困难时期的最后贷款机构,就必须对他方的偿债能力具有信心。