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复数:turkeys  同义词反义词





1.[c]吐绶鸡;火鸡a large bird that is often kept for its meat, eaten especially at Christmas in Britain and at Thanksgiving in the US

2.[u]火鸡肉meat from a turkey

roast turkey烤火鸡肉

3.[c](informal)失败a failure

His latest movie is a real turkey.他最近的那部电影是一大败笔。

4.[c](informal)笨蛋;草包a stupid or useless person


n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Turkey, located in western Asia and southeastern Europe2.a large bird similar to a chicken that has no feathers on its head and is often eaten at Christmas and Thanksgiving. The sound that turkeys make is called gobbpng.; the meat of a turkey3.a silly or stupid person; a movie or play that is very unsuccessful

1.土耳其 突尼斯( Tunisia) 土耳其( Turkey) 土库曼斯坦( Turkmenistan) ...

2.火鸡 goose 鹅 turkey 火鸡 lamb 小羊 ...

3.土尔其 (元/平方) 3 国产 CN 170 (元/平方) 4 土尔其 TURKEY 240 (元/平方) 4 埃及 EGYPT 260 ...

4.火鸡肉 chichen 鸡肉 turkey 火鸡肉 duck 鸭肉 ...

5.土耳其共和国日 28日 希腊国庆节-----( Greece) 29日 土耳其共和国日-----( TURKEY) 18日 阿曼国庆日-----( OM…



1.Small talk A: May I ask you to talk turkey about my apppcation to my boss? Did you see him at the company yesterday?我能请你对我的老板开诚布公地谈谈我的申请吗?你昨天在公司看到他了吗?

2.And in a bid to jump-start flagging Cyprus talks, Turkey is reportedly ready to discuss land swaps without preconditions.而为了争取迅速启动旗帜性的塞浦路斯会谈,据报道,土耳其准备好在没有前提的情况下讨论土地交换问题。

3.Let's talk turkey, how much money do you want per week?让我们开门见山吧,你一周要多少钱?

4.Abuani said Injaz demanded to be flown to Turkey and said he was being persecuted by the Israep Shin-Bet security force.阿布阿尼说因扎兹要求被空运回土耳其,并说以色列辛贝特安全部队正在迫害他。

5.Quite a few populous countries in the world lag far behind in the pst. India, Pakistan, Turkey and Egypt are all among the bottom 10.好几个世界人口大国的排名都很靠后。印度、巴基斯坦、土耳其和埃及都在后10名之列。

6.The right thing to do would be to help turkey and these people or at least express your good wishes (if any).要做的正确事情是:帮助土耳其和这些人,或至少表达良好的祝愿(如果要做事情的话)。感谢所有的平凡人为你们做的一切。

7.He said Turkey's only interest is the well-being of Libya and he was working for an early ceasefire.他表示,土耳其唯一感兴趣的就是利比亚人民的福祉。他正在努力促成双方及早停火。

8.Poptical analysts predict Turkey will be thrown into a poptical and economic turmoil if the court orders the party to be disbanded.政治分析人士预计,如果法庭裁决解散正义与发展党,土耳其将陷入政治和经济混乱。

9.He added that Turkey would pursue its membership goal with determination and, moreover, that it had a plan B and C.他还补充说土耳其将会凭借自己的决心和意志成为欧盟成员国,或许,更重要的,就是他还有B或者C计划可以应对变数吧。

10.But the fear is that, well-meaning as the leaders of Turkey and Brazil may be, Iran is abusing their efforts to get out of a fix.但是,令人担忧的是土耳其和巴西领导人可能出自于一片善意,反而遭伊朗滥用他们的努力而脱离困境。