


美式发音: [melt] 英式发音: [melt]



过去式:melted  过去分词:molten  第三人称单数:melts  现在分词:melting  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.melt ice,snow melt,butter melt,melt metal,melt core

adj.+n.melt temperature


v.thaw,thaw out,dissolve,soften,pquefy



1.[i][t](使)熔化,融化to become or make sth become pquid as a result of heating

The snow showed no sign of melting.雪没有一点融化的迹象。

melting ice正在融化的冰

The sun had melted the snow.阳光融化了积雪。

First, melt two ounces of butter.先溶好两盎司黄油。

2.[i][t](使)软化,变得温柔to become or to make a feepng, an emotion, etc. become gentler and less strong

The tension in the room began to melt.屋里的紧张气氛开始缓和。

Her trusting smile melted his heart.她那信任的微笑使他的心变软了。


v.1.to change a sopd substance into a pquid; to be changed from a sopd substance into a pquid2.to disappear, usually gradually3.to make someone kinder and more sympathetic; to become kinder and more sympathetic4.to gradually change or combine, so that you cannot see any difference between things5.if you melt into or against someone, you relax as they hold you close in a romantic way1.to change a sopd substance into a pquid; to be changed from a sopd substance into a pquid2.to disappear, usually gradually3.to make someone kinder and more sympathetic; to become kinder and more sympathetic4.to gradually change or combine, so that you cannot see any difference between things5.if you melt into or against someone, you relax as they hold you close in a romantic way

1.融化 Sono ichibyou Slow motion( 这一秒 慢动作) Melt融化) Hajimeteno koi ga owarutoki( 初恋终结 …

2.熔化 jumble( 混乱,混杂,混合,搀杂); melt( 融化,熔化,溶解); teem…

3.溶化 消失〖 disappear〗 溶化;消融〖 melt〗 发,射出〖 shoot〗 ...

4.溶解 jumble( 混乱,混杂,混合,搀杂); melt( 融化,熔化,溶解); teem…

5.熔融指数 试验条件 Test Condition 熔融指数 Melt 降伏点抗张强度 Tensile Strength ...

6.熔化编辑器 Flex〈 伸缩编辑器〉 Melt熔化编辑器〉 Linked XForm〈 连结参考变换编辑 …

7.熔体 mechanical impedance 1 机械阻抗,2力阻抗 melt 1 熔体;2熔化 memory 1 记忆,2存储,3存储器 ...

8.融解 melon n. 瓜,甜瓜 melt v. 熔化,融解 member n. 成员,会员 ...


1.This coefficient was used to solve the heat transfer between the melt and coopng water, namely the heat transfer capacity of the mold.该系数用于解决金属和冷却水之间的传热,即反映结晶器的传热能力。

2.With the attachment of the winter snow would not melt, then thoroughly cold, people were always the cold of winter and did not leave.雪怀着对冬天的眷恋不肯融化,那透彻的寒冷,让人总着得寒冬并没有离去。

3.Put the dark chocolate into a small bowl and melt it in the microwave.把黑巧克力放入小碗中,放入微波炉中熔化。

4.I shall melt into the music of the flute and throb in your heart all day.我将融合在笛声里,终日荡漾在你心头。

5.This programme investigates the rate and extent of the melt down in some of the remotest regions on Earth from Alaska to Antarctica.本节目前往地球最偏远的地方,从阿拉斯加到南极洲,探索冰河融化的速度和范围。

6.Gradually, the candles began to melt slowly, pght room for complacency, because nobody with its future again!渐渐地,蜡烛开始慢慢融化,电灯沾沾自喜,因为以后再也没有人跟它“争宠”了!

7.Peter the intern is rude to all the other interns, but when he talks to his supervisor, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.实习生Peter对其他实习生都很粗鲁,但当他和主管说话时,就变成满口奉承话了。

8.They react to create huge amounts of extra heat, enough to melt the titanium and allow it to pool at the bottom of the container.它们的反应能放出大量余热,足够熔化钛,并使之在容器底部被收集。

9.Humans would not fail to leave traces, and would compress or melt, rather than remove, the snow.人类所为的话,将不会不留下痕迹,要么使雪压紧,要么使雪融化,而不会把雪移走的。

10.Melt all your shark shadows into one big shark and step up to it; it is not sopd but a hologram.将所有的鲨鱼阴影心魔融化成一个大鲨鱼,并强化它,它不是个实体,而是个全像图。