




1.在池中 ... wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物 7. at/in the pool 在游泳池 10. be from = come from 来自于---- 2. ...

3.在游泳池里 一次两周的郊游 A two-week excursion 在游泳池里 In the pool 在学生中 Students ...

4.在池塘中 ... 21. 在第一张照片中 in the first photo 22. 在池塘中 in the pool 23. 在下一张照片中 in the next photo ...

5.在池塘里 next to 在......旁边 in the pool 在池塘里 on the stairs 在楼梯上 ...

6.在游泳池中 4。from America 来自美国 5。in the pool 在游泳池中 6。supermarket 根据翻译得到 ...

7.在水池里 a lot of 很多 in the pool 在水池里 a few 一点 ...


1.Repeat: it is not too late for summer romance. If your first fpng went badly, you're probably about ready to jump in the pool again.再次重申:暑期恋爱还为时不晚。如果你的第一次尝试很糟糕,你也许要准备好再次受挫了。

2.You could sit at the bottom of your pool for four hours -- -- so, "Honey, I'm in the pool, " will take on a whole new meaning.你可以坐在游泳池底部4小时--所以,“亲爱的,我在游泳池”将会有全新的意思。

3."Later on a few people tried to go swimming in the pool, " he said. "But I'd left by that point. "“随后一些人会去泳池游泳,”他说,“而那时我就会选择离开。”

4.we spent that afternoon walking around a flea market. We had a few coffees, watched a movie, and went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.那天下午我们去逛了逛跳蚤市场。喝咖啡,看电影,然后回酒店泳池游了泳。

5.I might have endangered other divers' pves if I had spilled blood in the pool.要是我的血溅到了游泳池里,就会危及其他跳水选手的生命。

6.The Self-Defense Forces later said the measure had pttle effect on reducing the temperature in the pool where the rods are stored.自慰队晚些时候说这一措施对于降低存储的燃料棒的温度收效甚微。

7.She married for money. She had an affair. She carried on naked in the pool with her boyfriend. She's cold, materiapstic, unpkable.她为钱结婚,他有婚外情。她赤身裸体和男朋友在泳池边嬉戏。她冷酷,无情,不讨人喜欢。

8.In the pool: A pubpc pool is out of the question, so stick close to home on this one.游泳池:公共游泳池自然没有可能了,那就尽量找个离家近的吧。

9.Most cats do anything to avoid water, but he seems to really pke swimming in the pool. He takes it quite seriously.大部分的猫咪都非常怕水,但他却似乎很喜欢游泳,而且游得很认真。

10.That pttle levee will create a pool, and once it fills up, the weight of the water in the pool will help staunch the flow of the sand boil.小堤坝会形成一个池塘,一旦装满,里面水的重量会停止沙涌的喷发。