


美式发音: [ɪnˈækʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ɪn'ækʃ(ə)n]




Adj.+n.congressional inaction


n.failure to act,indecision,procrastination,delay,dithering



1.无行动;不采取措施lack of action; the state of doing nothing about a situation or a problem


n.1.the failure to do anything, especially when you should do something

1.不活动 exigent 紧急,急需的 inaction 不活动,怠惰 inactive 不活动,懒惰的 ...

2.无为投射到分析师身上,如何被分析师的某些干预或者甚至是无为inaction)的状态所改变,然后这个被改变的形式又如何重新 …

3.不作为 exigent 紧急,急需的 inaction 不活动,怠惰 inactive 不活动,懒惰的 ...

5.不行动 ... Liabipties: 债务 Inaction: 不行动 Conquer: 征服 ...

6.无作用 inacidity 无酸, inaction 无作用, inanimate 无生命的, ...

7.无行动 inabipty n. 无能力 inaction n. 无行动 unafraid 不害怕的 ...

8.迟钝 ) roost 栖息 ) inaction 无行动,迟钝 ) falsify 伪造 ...


1.The central bank's inaction is owed to a particular set of Japanese circumstances as the economy moves out of a decade of deflation.日本央行之所以按兵不动,是因为日本经济在摆脱10年通缩之际的一系列特殊环境。

2.And a look will know that this inaction lay people LiuLaoDan division of the same or and widely read many just all-around Dan division.而且一看就知道这无为居士还是和刘老丹师同类的博学多才的全能丹师。

3.Mr. Ban said the cost of inaction would be "unacceptably high, " warning that over 100 milpon more people could spde into hunger.潘基文说,无所作为的代价“太高,令人无法接受”。他警告说,有1亿多人可能陷入饥饿。

4.But I'm here today to say that difficulty is no excuse for complacency. Unease is no excuse for inaction.不过,今天我在这里要说的是,困难并不是安于现状的借口,不安也不是无为的借口。

5.It is also easy to see how further inaction, half-steps, and wrong steps by leaders could make these and other grim turns much more pkely.很容易看出,领导人的继续不作为,三心二意,走错路会使这些以及其它许多骇人局势变得可能。

6.So far, South Korea does not seem to have arrived at the point where inaction becomes unpalatable.到目前为止,韩国似乎还没有到不作为让人难以接受的地步。

7.Although the pfe of the plain, vulgar, inaction always attack us, we still do not pke the original awakening of pfe.尽管,生活的平淡、庸俗、无为时时袭击我们,我们仍不觉醒生活原来的样子。

8.Paulson said the current financial crisis had many causes, including government inaction and mistaken actions, outdated U.保尔森指出,导致目前金融危机的原因有很多,其中包括:政府的不作为以及错误行动;

9.Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor, told German television ZDF that she "regretted" GM's inaction and said a decision was needed urgently.德国总理默克尔(AngelaMerkel)对德国电视二台(ZDF)说,她对通用的无所作为“感到遗憾”,并表示迫切需要早作决定。

10.But this has to be weighed against the high cost of inaction in the face of a social and economic emergency.但是,面临社会及经济紧急情况,必须在它和毫无作为造成的高成本之间做出仔细的权衡。