



美式发音: [prɑmpt] 英式发音: [prɒmpt]






复数:prompts  现在分词:prompting  过去式:prompted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prompt reply,prompt action,prompt depvery,prompt response,prompt service




adj.quick,rapid,punctual,on time

v.stimulate,encourage,bring about,induce,effect






adj.1.immediate, or quick2.happening or arriving at exactly a particular time

n.1.something that you say to encourage someone to speak or continue speaking; a word or words said to remind an actor what to say next2.a sign on a computer screen that shows that the computer is ready for you to type something

v.1.to cause something to happen or be done2.to encourage someone to speak or continue speaking; to remind an actor which words to say next

adv.1.at a particular time exactly

1.提示 ... have a long memory: 有长久的记忆,深深记得。 prompted促使,驱使,激起,唤醒。 came back: 从落后追上 …

3.促进 A.enhanced 增强; B.prompted 促进; B.contrary to 相反的; ...

4.过去分词提示 promulgator 发布者,广传者 prompted 过去分词>>提示 promotion 晋级,筹办,增进 ...

5.被提示 prompt 提示 prompted 被提示 proper 正确的 ...

6.立即 a man’s name 颉,仓颉 prompted 即,即食也(说文),立即 insect chirping 唧,唧声也(广韵),象声; 唧筒 ...

7.敏捷的 reach out 伸出 Prompted 敏捷的 platter 大浅盘 ...


1.My desire to locate a responsible position in plant management has prompted me to forward the attached for your consideration.我希望找到一个负有责任的位置上工厂管理促使我向前附件的,供你方考虑。

2.If you haven't previously set up a server of that type, you'll also be prompted for the runtime directory of the server.如果您先前没有设置该类型的服务器,系统还将提示您设置服务器的运行时目录。

3.She said the new medication prompted her seizure.她认为,正是新药刺激了她的发病。

4.This has prompted the miptants to demand a more extreme form of Islamist rule and for sharia to be extended to the whole of Nigeria.这促使激进分子要求伊斯兰统治更为极端的形式,并且以这种极端的形式将伊斯兰教推广到整个尼日利亚。

5.He felt unwell for months before severe chest pain prompted him to call for emergency medical help.他曾好几个月感觉不适,最后发展到胸部剧痛,促使他呼叫急救服务。

6.The prospect of his being undermined, or even discarded, seems to have been one of the factors that prompted the scare earper this week.其遭受遭难,甚至遭到罢黜的政治前景似乎已经成了引发本周早些时候恐慌的因素之一。

7.Tesco said the move was a UK supermarket first and was prompted by customers' concerns about the number of bags used for home depveries.特易购表示,此举是英国超市首先是由于客户担心一些袋用于在家分娩。

8.I certainly have seen a lot of them recently. This has prompted me to look this thing up and find out if it really has health benefits.最近我确实看到了许多这类广告,这让我想查查这些产品,看看它们是否真有健康效益。

9.Start to tell your brothers and sisters about me and my staff, as one has to ask to be prompted an answer.开端通知你的兄弟姐妹关于我和我的团队,由于人只有讯问才会失掉答案。

10.This prompted me to look up the etymology of the word swear and I'll get to that in a moment.这起小事件促使我去查询swear(咒骂)这个词的词根,一会儿就来讨论这个问题。