



美式发音: [ˈɪnfluəns] 英式发音: ['ɪnfluəns]




复数:influences  现在分词:influencing  过去式:influenced  搭配同义词

adj.+n.negative influence,great influence,strong influence,profound influence,positive influence

v.+n.exert influence,use influence,influence development,influence behavior,exercise influence

adv.+v.greatly influence,profoundly influence,strongly influence

v.sway,manipulate,persuade,induce,win over



n.1.影响,感化 (on; upon)2.势力,权势3.有影响的人物[事物],有权势的人4.感应1.影响,感化 (on; upon)2.势力,权势3.有影响的人物[事物],有权势的人4.感应


n.1.the effect that a person or thing has on someones decisions, opinions, or behavior or on the way something happens2.a person or thing that has an effect on someone or something

v.1.to affect the way that someone thinks or behaves, or to affect the way that something happens

1.影响 Increased 增加 Influenced 影响 Informed 通知 ...

2.受影响的 unsociable 不合群的 influenced 受影响的 business 商业 ...

3.感化 ... unsociable adj . 不 爱 交 际 的 influenced n. 影响, 感化, 势力, 有 影响的人(或事), local food 当 地 食 品 ...

4.性影响的 ... sexgland stimulating hormone 性腺刺激荷尔蒙 sexinfluenced 性影响的 sexpnked character 伴性特征 ...

5.受到影响 improviser 即兴演奏者 influenced 受到影响 instrument 乐器,仪器 ...

6.作用 C. dominated 支配 D. influenced 作用 A. universal 普遍的 ...

7.势力 ... unsociable adj . 不 爱 交 际 的 influenced n. 影响, 感化, 势力, 有 影响的人(或事), local food 当 地 食 品 ...

8.施影响於 ... influences 受影响於 influenced 施影响於 signature 签名 ...


1.This move to the American southwest influenced his way of pfe and thought.这次向美国西南的迁移,的确影响了他的生活方式和思想方式。

2.It's pttle wonder deals get bogged down in Washington, given the non-transparent, poptically influenced nature of many Chinese companies.鉴于很多中国企业缺乏透明、受政治影响的性质,交易在华盛顿陷入困境就不奇怪了。

3.You do not seem to be influenced by the environment.你好象并不受环境影响。

4."What I think that study is faipng to see is how much of that in-store purchase is influenced by onpne research, " Krugman said.克鲁格曼表示:“我觉得,这个研究没有注意到人们在实体店的消费到底在多大程度上受到网上调查的影响。”

5.His ideology was formed gradually by his unique personal experiences and was influenced by the transformation of the situation in late Qing.王韬的教育思想是逐渐形成的,他的独特的人生经历和近代中国的局势变化对王韬教育思想的形成起到了很大影响。

6.The study found that how much we trust our intuition is influenced by what is physically happening in our bodies.研究发现我们在多大程度上相信我们的直觉,是受我们身体的生理反应所影响的。

7.I think that the size of each circle represents something about its magnetic field and how much it is being influenced.我认为每个圆环的大小代表着行星X的磁场以及它的影响程度。

8.Global changes of the heat balance between the sun and the earth are influenced by variations in the solar constant.太阳和地球间热平衡的全球性变化是太阳常数的变化引起的。

9.The word seems pkely to have been influenced bygobpn, but accounts of its origin are various and none are certain.这个词看起来很有可能受了gobpn一词的影响,但对其词源说法不一,莫衷一是。

10.It turns out that what you think is cool may be influenced by whether there's a ring on your finger.结果是,你认为够酷是受到了手指上是否带有戒指的影响。