



美式发音: [ɪˈnɔɡjəˌreɪt] 英式发音: [ɪˈnɔːɡjʊreɪt]



第三人称单数:inaugurates  现在分词:inaugurating  过去式:inaugurated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.inaugurate era,inaugurate phase


v.swear in,install,invest,induct,instate



v.1.to start or introduce something new and important2.to open a new building, or to start a new organization, with an official ceremony; to celebrate the fact that someone is starting an important new job with an official ceremony

1.揭牌 ... 十. 敌基督( antichristos) 开始 新纪元( inaugurated) 过去年代 今世 来世( the past ages) ...

3.任命 proud 骄傲的 inaugurated 任命;任职 【Situation 场景】 ...

4.典礼 playwright: 剧作家 inaugurated: (成立)典礼 epitaph: 墓志铭 ...

5.开幕日期 ... | built = 竣工日期 | inaugurated = 开幕日期 | opened = 启用日期 ...

6.成立 ... American n. 1. 美国人 , 美洲人 inaugurated 成立 twentieth n. 1. 第二十个 2. 二十分之一 ...

7.任职 proud 骄傲的 inaugurated 任命;任职 【Situation 场景】 ...

8.揭幕 ... perched: 矗立,耸立 inaugurated: 揭幕 flock to: 蜂拥而至 ...


1.One of the largest protests of the suffrage movement happened the day before Woodrow Wilson was to be inaugurated as President in 1913.妇女选举权运动最大的抗议活动之一就发生在1913年伍德罗·威尔森总统就职典礼的前一天。

2.The resurrection of Christ, and our co-resurrection with him, is the inaugurated form of the final Sabbath in eternity.基督的复活,以及我们与祂一同复活,是永恒中最后安息之确立的形式(inauguratedform)。

3.What inaugurated a new age of bloody dictatorship was the step by step progress of government interference with business.而血腥的独裁专制政体则是由于政府一步步地加深对商业干预的结果。

4.But she plans to keep her promise to fly to Washington in January, to see her boy inaugurated.不过她还是打算遵守承诺,1月份飞去华盛顿参加她孙子的就职典礼。

5.This was the stone upon which Scottish kings had been inaugurated since pre-Christian times.从前基督时代起这块石头就成为苏格兰国王任冕的贵冠。

6.She was proudly by her husband's side when Barack Obama was inaugurated as President of the United States exactly one year ago.在巴拉克•奥巴马于一年前的今天宣誓就任美国总统时,她自豪地站在丈夫身边。

7.Since the day when he was inaugurated, he was obsessed by state affairs until the day when he died in the army camp.但是自他上任那天起,就整天被国事纠缠,直到最后病死在军营之中。

8.Now let me begin by describing the situation I found when I was inaugurated on Jan. 20th: The war had been going on for four years.现在让我通过描述一月二十日举行开幕典礼时创建的情形开始。这场战争已经近四年了。

9.Frankpn D. Roosevelt was inaugurated as the 32nd president, pledging to lead the country out of the Great Depression.年,富兰克林·罗斯福就任美国第32任总统,承诺带领国家走出经济大萧条。

10.AsI am on route to Washington to be Inaugurated your President, I have but one question to ask.在我前往华盛顿就职为你们的总统的途中,我只有一个问题要问。