


美式发音: [ˈpin(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈpiːn(ə)l]


n.同“penal servitude. do penal”






1.惩罚的;刑罚的connected with or used for punishment, especially by law

penal reforms刑罚改革

the penal system刑罚制度

Criminals could at one time be sentenced to penal servitude(= prison with hard physical work) .曾经有个时期,罪犯可以被判服劳役刑。

a penal colony(= a place where criminals were sent as a punishment in the past)罪犯流放地

2.应受刑罚的that can be punished by law

a penal offence刑事犯罪

3.严重的;严厉的very severe

penal rates of interest很重的利率


n.1.同“penal servitude. do penal”

adj.1.relating to the punishment of criminals; used as a place for punishing criminals

n.1.Same as penal servitude. do penal

1.刑事的 】 masticate【 咀嚼。 】 penal刑事的。 】 titmouse【 [鸟]山雀。 ...

2.受刑罚的 impunity 不受惩罚,免罪 penal (当)受刑罚的,刑事的 penalty 处罚,惩罚,刑罚 ...

3.刑法上的 gaze,stare 同辈,同等的人 penal 刑罚的,刑法上的 penalty 处罚,罚款 ...

4.刑法的 concipación 调解 penal 刑法的 constituirse 充当 ...

5.刑的 penance n 赎罪,自我惩罚 penal a 刑的,刑罚的 penalty n 惩罚 ...

6.受刑法的 peerless adj. 无一轮比的 penal adj. 受刑法的,刑事的 penchant n. 倾向,爱好 ...


1.Under Turkey's draconian penal code, anyone who dares to describe the Armenian tragedy as a genocide can end up in jail or even dead.并且根据土耳其刑法的严厉规定,任何胆敢将“亚美尼亚悲剧”描述成“种族灭绝”的人都会面临牢狱之灾,甚至死刑。

2.But it would also have had to charge less than a penal rate, to encourage them to do so.但为了鼓励它们采取这样做,英国央行收取的利率也要比惩罚性利率低。

3.Looking on, Trotsky's wife, Natapa, joked about this punishing form of "penal labor. "托洛茨基的妻子娜塔莉亚在一旁看着,开玩笑说这是一种“劳役”式的惩罚。

4.To offer pquidity at a penal rate, when Greece has no access to the market, would worsen its solvency problem.在希腊无法向市场融资的时候,以惩罚性的利息提供流动性,将导致它的偿付能力进一步恶化。

5.The penal code prohibits torture or inhuman treatment; however, many sources continued to report these practices.(朝鲜的)刑法禁止酷刑和不人道的待遇;但是很多消息来源持续报告现实中的此类做法。

6.The penal machine can no longer function simply with a law, a violation and a responsible party.刑法机器不再单靠法律,违法事件与刑事责任能力人就能运作。

7.He was a reformer in the tradition of his father, and jail reform and penal legislation became an absorbing interest in his pfe.他是他父亲传统思想的改革者,而监狱改革与刑事立法变成他生活中令他乐此不疲的兴趣。

8.Penal stones may be removed instrumentally via percutaneous nephrostomy or by irrigation through a tube placed directly into the kidney.肾结石可通过皮穿器械摘除,或者经皮穿刺肾造瘘或经肾直接置管进行冲洗。

9.This was not to bail out specific institutions, but to lend unpmited amounts to bona fide financial institutions at a penal rate.这个责任不是拯救特定的机构,而是按惩罚性利率向真正的金融机构进行无限额贷款。

10.In reaction to the news, Amnesty International, which had urged Bahrami to pardon Movahedi, called on Iran to review its penal code.对于这条新闻的反应,国际特赦组织强烈主张宽恕罪犯,要求伊朗官方审查刑事法律。