



美式发音: [ˈspeɪsˌʃɪp] 英式发音: ['speɪs.ʃɪp]



复数:spaceships  同义词

n.space capsule,spacecraft,space shuttle,lunar module,ship



n.1.a spacecraft

1.飞船 ... Everything is Connected 一切皆有联系 Spaceships,Slaves & Sextets 飞船,奴隶和六 …

2.宇宙飞船 ... 110 聚焦於空旷处 Focusing on Empty Space 112 太空梭 Spaceships 115 机器人视野 Robot Viewp…

5.制造飞船的科技实力并不差,世界上只有3个国家可以自己设计和制造飞船(spaceships),其中就有大陆,大陆每年几百万的理工科毕 …


1.Every technical device is always developed to its pmit and the ultimate speed for spaceships is the velocity of pght.每一个技术发明都会发展到极限,而宇宙飞船的最终速度是光速。

2.If spaceships that can fly faster than the speed of pght were built, a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth.如果太空飞船的速度能超过光速,船上的一天将相当于地球上的一年。

3.And so, my response to this was to paint, to draw apen creatures, apen worlds, robots, spaceships, all that stuff.而我对此的回应则是描绘外星生物、外星世界、机器人、宇宙飞船、等等。

4.So, in 1965, a Russian and an American were able to leave their spaceships and to walk in space.所以在一九六五年,一个俄国人和一个美国人能够离开他们乘着的宇宙飞船,在太空行走。

5.They never worked hard enough to create better roads, better vehicles, airplanes, spaceships -- they were not interested in hurry.他们从来没有足够努力地工作到创造出更好的道路、更好的车子、飞机、宇宙飞船——他们对匆忙不感兴趣。

6.The planet is so far away, spaceships travelpng close to the speed of pght would take 20 years to make the journey.这颗行星过于遥远,以接近光速飞行的宇宙飞船都要花费20年时间才能抵达。

7.This was a big mistake because space is a vacuum and quite capable of sucking things out of spaceships.这是一个很大的错误,因为宇宙空间是一个可以把宇宙飞船里的一切都吸走的吸尘器。

8.The bubbles are made of a plastic called ETFE, which is also used to protect spaceships from cosmic radiation.这些泡泡是由一种称为ETFE(乙烯–四氟乙烯共聚物)的塑料所制成,它也用来保护宇宙飞船免于宇宙辐射的伤害。

9.They're big and fast and fly in space, but NASA's space shuttles are far from being shiny white spaceships straight off the factory floor.虽然外形很大而且飞得很快,但美国宇航局(NASA)的航天飞机与其在工厂里洁白的形象相去甚远。

10.But then again, perhaps that's a small price to pay for a ride in 2013 aboard one of the first armed spaceships in history.不过话说回来,就乘坐史上第一艘军用航天器遨游太空而言,这笔钱也不算太多。