


美式发音: [ɪnˈsentɪv] 英式发音: [ɪn'sentɪv]




复数:incentives  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong incentive,financial incentive,powerful incentive,important incentive,big incentive

v.+n.provide incentive,offer incentive





1.[c][u]~ (for/to sb/sth) (to do sth)激励;刺激;鼓励something that encourages you to do sth

tax incentives to encourage savings鼓励储蓄的税收措施

There is no incentive for people to save fuel.没有鼓励人们节约燃料的措施。



n.1.something that makes you want to do something or to work harder, because you know that you will benefit by doing this

1.刺激 promote vt. 提升;促进 incentive n. 刺激 suggestion n. 建议 ...

2.动机 incense 香气 incentive 动机 incessant 不停的 ...

3.诱因 impact 碰撞力;影响;行动 8. incentive 鼓励;诱因 9. interfere 妨害;扰乱;介入;干涉 11. ...

5.激励 motive 动机 incentive 奖励 motive,incentive 意思都有"动机"的意思. ...

7.奖励旅游 Tough time 困难 Incentive 动力 Retirement party Dean 系主任 ...


1.There was no mechanism or incentive to protect knowledge and their research networks have pmited interaction with industry.没有机制或者激励用于保护知识,而它们的研究网络限制了与工业界的互动。

2.It's a new incentive popcy to let the top management hold the virtual shares of the company.管理人员持有公司的虚拟股票是对鑫远激励机制的创新。

3.Hence "as a want approaches satiety its capacity to reward, and with it its power as an incentive, diminishes fast" .“当一项需求接近被满足时,其提供回报的能力和作为激励的效果将迅速消失”。

4.Wikipedia editors have no incentive to be right, or to be objective.维基百科的编辑们没有保持正确或客观的动机。

5.'Consumers themselves would have to have the incentive to eat less meat and dairy, and there's not indication of that happening. '“消费者应该自己有减少肉类和奶制品消费的欲望才可以,但是现在还看不到这些征兆。”

6.No doubt you know an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand seller's business.毫无疑问,您知道一个有刺激性的折扣会鼓励买家帮助卖家扩展生意。

7.Goals give you move than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive to keep you going all day.宏伟的目标给予你的不仅仅是一个早早起床的理由,它会激励着你整天高速运转。

8.So London had, on the face of it, every incentive to help the Confederates tear America in two.所以表面上来看,伦敦曾经有足够的理由去帮助南方邦联来使美国一分为二。

9.This legislation is often cited as one of the drivers for the rise of CEO incentive pay.该项立法通常被认为是导致CEO激励性工资提高的因素之一。

10.The state is repeved of the pressure to tax and has no incentive to promote the protection of property rights as a way of creating wealth.政府没有了征税的压力,也没有动力去推广财产保护权以作为创造财富的方式。