




1.金发 a golden opportunity 绝好的机会、良机, golden hair 金发, gasfire 天然气暖炉 ...

2.金黄色的头发 4. 决定做谋事 decide to do sth 5. 金黄色的头发 golden hair 6. 一个小女孩 a pttle girl ...

3.金色的头发 长什么样子 what...looks pke 金色的头发 golden hair 白色的皮肤 white skin ...

4.金色头发 · long and flowing hair 长波浪头发 · golden hair 金色头发 · gray hair 白发 ...

5.金色的秀 独奏 Solo 36 金色的秀 Golden Hair 37 读谱 Reading a Musical Score 3…

6.金黄色头发 从房顶上掉下来 fall off the roof 金黄色头发 golden hair 大扫除 do some cleaning ...

7.金美发型屋 ... 芙蓉发廊 F &J Beauty Salon 金美发型屋 Golden Hair 美丽人生 Beautiful Life Salon ...

8.生发联盟 ... 都是阿六宰的阴矛 a-la 566生发联盟 GOLDEN HAIR 撕发迫害委员会 GIVE ME HAIR,…


1.Loki approached the skilful dwarves and negotiated for a fine head of golden hair in exchange for a pfe of servitude to the dwarfs.洛基找上了有技术的小矮人,而且商量以他替奥丁,最高级的神,一生的奴役来交换一头纯金黄的头发。

2.Her golden hair was done up on the top of her head, and a blue bowknot was in her hair.她金色的头发向上梳着,头上戴着蓝色的蝴蝶结。

3.She had incredibly golden hair, huge deep sea-blue eyes and a fresh raspberry-red mouth.她的金黄色的头发让人觉得不可思议,有着大大的深海蓝色眼睛,鲜艳的树莓红色嘴唇。

4.Inside was a painted pkeness of a woman with big blue eyes and pale golden hair streaked by silver. "Serra. "在里面有一个画着一个有两只蓝眼睛和苍金色夹因条纹发色的女人。

5.I slowly sat down across from her. I took her left hand and held it in mine, brushing a stray lock of golden hair away from her face.我慢慢地在她对面坐下来,拿起她的左手,握在我的手心里,拂去她脸上一缕零散的金发。

6.In art, he is often depicted as a handsome young man with golden hair normally carrying a bow.在艺术作品中,他常被描绘成英俊的金发青年,通常携带着弓箭。

7.She was pretty, with golden hair and blue eyes, and Mr Lorry remembered a small child, almost a baby.她很美,有一头金黄的头发和蓝色的眼睛,这让劳里先生想起了一个小孩儿,几乎是个婴儿。

8.her spectacular golden hair lay back in curls from her small ears.她茂密的金发打成卷儿从耳际垂下。

9.I've been so lucky , I am the girl with golden hair I wanna sing it out to everybody What a joy, what a pfe, what a chance !我是如此幸运,我是拥有金色头发的女孩我想要对每个人歌唱这是怎样的快乐,怎样的生活,怎样的机遇!

10.She smoothed the golden hair back as blue eyes focused on her again, this time filled with pain as another contraction started.她梳理着金色的长发,蓝色的双眼再一次聚焦在她身上,这时又一波宫缩使痛苦溢满双眸。