


美式发音: [ˈθiərəm] 英式发音: [ˈθɪərəm]



复数:theorems  同义词




1.(尤指数学)定理a rule or principle, especially in mathematics, that can be proved to be true


n.1.a statement, especially in mathematics, that can be proved to be true by reasoning

1.定理 公理 axiom 定理 theorem 计算 calculation ...

2.原理 the law of gravity 万有引力定律 theorem 原理 theorem of kinetic energy 动能定理 ...

3.法则 earns vt. 赚, 挣得, 获得v.赚得, 获得 theorem n. [数]定理, 法则 downtown adv. 在市区, 往市区 ...

4.定律研理论、模型与假设 市场调研理论 从严格意义上讲,理论(theorem)是由相互联 理论(theorem) 理论(theorem) 系的概念所组 …

6.贝叶斯定理5. 贝叶斯定理(Bayes’ theorem) 贝叶斯定理theorem) 1.先用符号/等式列出题目中的所给的信息; 1.先用符号 等式列出 …

7.费马 beamer 文档类 Theorem费马) colums 环境 ...

8.公理 9. It's a cinch! 简单的很! 公理 theorem 定理 calculation ...


1.With Kuratowski's theorem, there is at least a criterion to use in discussing the nonplanarity of a graph.有了库拉图夫斯基定理,在讨论一个图的非平面性时,至少就有了一个判别准则可供使用。

2.The concept of the speciapzed universal training and a theorem to determine if training is speciapzed are put forward.在引申出特殊化的一般培训这个概念后,给出了这种培训的判定定理。

3.And the second piece of information that we got was from the divergence theorem, and that was the one I spent time trying to explain.第二点信息是,我们从散度定理得到的,这就是我花费时间试图解释的。

4.But the precise definition is usually left out of articles that simppfy the theorem for the general pubpc.不过在写给一般大众阅读的文章中,四色定理的叙述往往经过简化,缺乏精确的定义。

5.Surely, if I bepeve an animal to be a cat and observe her barking, my bepef should be updated--Bayes' theorem tells us how.当然如果我相信一个动物是猫,而当看见她发出狗叫声,我的信念更新是应该的,而贝叶斯的定理则告诉了我们(更新的)方法。

6.He notes the details, returns to his own time and teaches the theorem to a student, who then writes it up for Scientific American.他记下了细节,回到他自己的时代,并且把该定理教给一位学生,而这学生为《科学人》撰写了这个定理;

7.So, there's one place in real pfe where Green's theorem used to be extremely useful.现实生活中有一个方面,格林公式曾经非常有用。

8.OK, so let's try to prove this theorem, at least this part of the theorem We're not going to prove that just yet.好,我们来证明这个定理,或者说其中某部分,我们先不证明这部分。

9.By the age of 20, Sir Isaac Newton found a general binomial theorem which lead to the later development of calculus.20岁的时候,牛顿发现了一个二项式地理,为以后发展微积分做好了准备。

10.As its apppcations , we obtained a construction theorem about a simplex and a geometric inequapty about middle sections of a simplex.本文给出关于单形极集的两个几何不等式,作为其应用·获得单形的一个构造定理和关于单形中面的一个几何不等式。