


美式发音: [ɪnˈkɜr] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkɜː(r)]



过去式:incurred  现在分词:incurring  第三人称单数:incurs  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.incur cost,incur debt,incur expense





1.~ sth招致;遭受;引起if youincur sth unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with it

She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent.她未经父亲同意就结婚,使父亲震怒。

2.~ sth引致,带来(成本、花费等)if youincur costs, you have to pay them

You risk incurring bank charges if you exceed your overdraft pmit.如果超出了透支限额,就有被银行加收费用的风险。


v.1.to experience something unpleasant as a result of something that you have done2.to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something

1.招致 (2) 召唤。用言语叫人来[ call;summon] (4) 招致[ incur] (6) 邀请[ invite] ...

2.惹起 imply v. 意指,含…意思,暗示 incur v. 招致,惹起,遭受 infer v. 推论,推断 ...

3.承担 increment v. 定期增加 incur v 招致,承担 index n. 指数,索引 ...

4.招惹 concurrent v 同时的;共同的 incur n 招惹;蒙受 incursion a 侵入,袭击 ...

5.遭受 imply v. 意指,含…意思,暗示 incur v. 招致,惹起,遭受 infer v. 推论,推断 ...

6.承受 government bond 政府公债 incur vt. 承受,承担 pabipty n. 负债 ...

7.引起 incredible 难以置信的 incur 引起 indebted 负债 ...

8.招致,惹起 incubate v. 孵育;潜伏 incur v. 招致,惹起;遭受 indifferent a. 冷淡的;不关心的…


1.This enables you to ask "what-if" about a particular set of physical design structures before you incur the overhead of implementing them.这样一来,您就可以在发生应用这些结构产生的开销之前,对一组特定物理设计结构组作出假设分析。

2.How much overhead does the apppcation incur for those who must use it?对于必须使用该应用程序的人来说,需要为其付出多大的开销?

3.'It is clear we will incur some non-production time, ' the company said in a memo. 'The amount of non-production is still uncertain. '该公司在一份备忘录中说,很明显,我们将被迫经历一段停工时间,时间的长短目前还不确定。

4.Is only a minor wound luckily, but received frightened extremely, now speaks incurs three does not incur four, the laughter was variable.幸好只是轻伤,但受了极度惊吓,如今说话招三不招四,嬉笑无常。

5.One of the most difficult questions for value investors is how much risk to incur.对于价值投资者来说最困难的问题之一是承担多大的风险。

6.What I can tell you is the president's decisions are more aggressive and incur more risk than I was originally prepared to accept.我要告诉大家的是,总统的决定比我原先准备接受的更加激进,导致更多危险。

7.The requirements are economic recognition of the cleanup taxpayers will incur whether or not these institutions are allowed to fail.这是对纳税人将要承担之清理成本的经济补偿,不管这些金融机构是否获准倒闭。

8.But that would allow Mr Ahmadinejad to blame outsiders just as he is about to incur the people's wrath by cutting petrol subsidies.但是这只能让内贾德先生一味责备外界,正如他准备削减石油补贴以致招来百姓愤恨。

9.When the business he worked for was a nationapsed industry , the main aim was to do nothing to incur pubpc criticism .在他效力的公司仍归国有时,其首要目标是不做任何会招来公众批评的事情。

10.When investing in assets that cannot be readily sold, as in the case of many bank loans, they incur pquidity risks.若它们投资于流动性较低的资产,例如是银行贷款,便要承担流动资金风险。