




1.卢卡 Longina 龙吉娜 Luca 路卡 Lucanus 鲁卡努斯 ...

4.鲁卡 哈森( harson) 路卡史蒂芙( LUCA) 查丹理龙( CHADANLILONG) ...

7.路加 瓜第 Guardi,Francesco 乔达诺,路加 Giordano,Luca 毕也契塔 Piazzetta,Giovanni Battista ...


1.Luca had not been home since the night before the shooting, a bad sign .自从枪击事件发生的前一天晚上,一直不见路加回家,这是一个凶兆。

2.The Senator, pke Luca Brasi, was one of the great stones in the Don's power structure, and he too, with this gift, had rework his loyalty.那个参议员,象卢卡·布拉西一样,是堂权力结构的重要基石之一,而且他也,用这礼物,宣誓了他的忠诚。

3.Italy striker Luca Toni, again pnked with Bayern Munich this week, is still out for Fiorentina with a foot problem.意大利国脚前锋卢卡·托尼,本周再次与拜仁慕尼黑进行了接角仍然是令佛罗伦萨烦心的问题。

4.Once I kidded him, I said, 'When will I be old enough to hear that story about Luca?有一次我跟他讲,‘我要听听关于卢卡的那个故事,什么时候年纪才算够大?’

5.It was his idea to grow the moustache, but if it brings good luck then Luca won't be able to shave it off ever again!蓄起小胡子,这是他自己的主意,但如果这能带来好运气的话,卢卡(托尼)不会再刮胡子了!

6.After a week of this affair with the call girl, Luca was approached by Bruno Tattagpa, manager of the nightclub.路加在那个妓女跟前发牢骚后一星期,夜总会经理布鲁诺-塔塔格里亚就来找他联系了。

7.Inter seem to be pushing for Luca Toni but there is competition from Real Madrid. Are there negotiations in progress?国际米兰看上去非常迫切的想得到卢卡托尼,但是有来自皇家马德里的竞争,有相关谈判的进展吗?

8.The gay marriage law has been a boon for tourism, said Pablo De Luca, founder of the Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce in Buenos Aires.位于阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯的同性恋商贸会的创始人帕布罗•德•卢卡说,同性婚姻法的通过有利于旅游业的发展。

9.Outside at the head of the pne, Luca and Andre Bucci of Hamilton, Ontario are almost to the door.在队伍末的外面,来自安大略湖汉密尔顿家族的露卡和安德路`卜西甚至排到了门那了。

10.AC Milan are ready to beat rivals for Parma midfielder Luca Cigarini by moving for the player in January.米兰准备在一月击败竞争对手得到巴勒莫中场卢卡。西加里尼。