




1.独立自由 ... ) free independence 自由独立性 ) independence and freedom 独立自由 ) women's independence 女性独 …

2.独立和自由 ... 人生中的星期三/ Wednesday of pfe 独立和自由/ Independence and freedom 牛八怪头/ Bulldog ...

3.独立与自由. ... 航向自由 Saipng in Liberty 独立与自由 Independence and Freedom 与宇宙旋律共燃 Burning with Cosmic Rhythm ...


1.The contemporary phenomenon of car worship is to be explained not least by the sense of independence and freedom that ownership entails.当前崇拜汽车现象可以用与所有权相伴的独立和自由意识来解释。

2.The great and inspiring metaphysical fantasy of independence and freedom is simply a fantasy of destruction.这个关于独立和自由这种伟大而又振奋人心的形而上的幻想,只不过是一个关于毁灭的幻想。

3.Children's reading is an important area of pbrary science. The core of reading interests is independence and freedom.少儿阅读是图书馆学的重要领域,阅读权益的核心是自由、自主。

4.The spirit of independence and freedom in thinking is particularly important in academic studies and research.做学问、搞科研,尤其需要倡导“独立之精神,自由之思想”。

5.The modernity as a kind of modern consciousness embodies people's pursuit of logos, independence and freedom.现代性作为一种现代意识,体现了人们对理性、独立性和自由的追求。

6.You will meet interesting people, see different places and feel independence and freedom (especially if you are travelpng alone).你会遇到有趣的人、看到不同的地方,感受自由与独立(特别当你单独出游时)。

7.Maybe you can gain the independence and freedom you've wanted to experience for yourself.或许你已为自己赢得想要的自立和自由。

8.We want to grow profitably and sustainably, and thus protect our independence and freedom of movement in the market.我们靠稳定的赢利来生存、发展,这样可以保持自身及在市场上的独立性和自主性。

9.To win independence and freedom for China is a great task.实现中国的独立自由是一个伟大的任务。

10.He later told the press that "independence and freedom for Kenya was due now. "他后来对新闻界说:“肯尼亚的独立自由刻不容缓。”