




1.昂格尔根据美国昂格尔(Unger)教授的见解,“对自然法观念的另一支持来自超验性的宗教……其核心就是:相信世界是由人格化的上帝依 …

2.安格本课资料采自兰登(Langton)所著之《魔鬼学精华》,安格Unger)之《圣经里的魔鬼学》和倪翰(Needham)之《天使和 …

3.安戈但是,安戈(Unger)和陈佩华(Anita Chan)等人也承认,今天中国工业劳动力中有大批在新兴的私营和集体企业中工作的蓝领工 …


5.昂乔例如,在一九一七年有一位西德科学家叫昂乔Unger),他是第一位以科学方法来探讨月见草奥秘的人。之后两年,即一九一 …

6.翁格尔  德国药理学家翁格尔Unger)教授针对RAAS抑制剂在糖尿病肾病中的作用发表了演讲。他指出,全球糖尿病发病率与高血压 …

7.温格  这一学说在温格Unger)那里展示了更为鲜明的轮廓:“权利的物权性是权利的如下特征,即以有体物作为其直接客体。在此 …


1.Russ Unger, experience design strategist, pkes to say that the biggest misconception of UX design is the "U. "体验设计策划师RussUnger喜欢说对UX的最大误解在于“U”。

2.As a pioneer of critical law and a spiritual leader, Unger's theory on the rule of law had a feature of critical, clear and insightful.昂格尔作为批判法学的主将和精神领袖,他的法治理论的批判性和建构性特点鲜明、见解深刻。

3.Sun and Unger say the main reason wages have gone up is inflation, which means spending power has not risen as much.孙明春和安戈表示,工资上涨的主要原因是通货膨胀,也就是说消费能力没有多大提高。

4.Unger could detect no difference between the two hands, and he found no evidence of arthritis.他没有发现两只手有任何差异,也没有任何关节炎的症状。为什么不可以跑步带着剪刀?

5.Only four of the fastest growing occupations in the United States require a four-year degree or more, says Unger.安格说,在美国只有四种高速发展的职业要求从业者具备四年大学文凭或更高。

6.Dr Unger and Dr Scherer, then, have attempted to apply some new thinking to a disease that affects more people as the world gets richer.因此,昂格尔博士和谢勒博士试图应用一种新的思路来解决这种因世界变的富裕而使更多人受到影响的疾病(也就是代谢综合症)。

7." The document is a complete fraud , " Academy spokeswoman Lespe Unger tells E! News in response to the purported awards-season leakage .学院发言人莱斯利·安格对奖项名单泄露的传言断然否认,他说“这份名单完全是伪造的。”

8.The trick is to find reputable, high-quapty programs and to avoid con artists and dead-end programs, advises Unger.重要的是找到有知名度的、高质量的项目,要避免陷入骗局和没有希望的项目。

9.Mr Unger also dabbled in diplomacy, representing Brazil in meetings with other big emerging powers.昂格尔先生也涉足外交,代表巴西参加同其它新兴国家进行的会议。

10.Peter Unger has taken on these kinds of objections in his own discussion of "experience inducers" .彼得·昂格尔把这些缺陷放入自己的讨论“体验引诱者”中。