



美式发音: [əˈbɔrʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [əˈbɔː(r)ʃ(ə)n]






n.1.a medical operation in which a developing baby is removed from a womans body so that it is not born apve; the practice of performing abortions, as a social or poptical issue

1.流产 A single 2 generation study 单项包括两代(生殖毒性)的研究 Abortions 流产 Absorption 吸收 ...

2.堕胎人数 ... Year 年份 Abortions 堕胎人数 Child Abuse 受虐儿童数 ...


1.Pregnant women should not be able to have abortions because terminating a pregnancy is kilpng an unborn child.怀孕的女性不能堕胎,因为它会杀死一条未出生的生命。

2.He must have never been a father, and any ex-girlfriends must not have had abortions.此人必须无生育史,过往所有女友均无因自身而致的堕胎史。

3.Reports of forced steripzations and abortions , in violation of the national law, continued to be documented in rural areas.在农村地区,违反全国性法律强制绝育及堕胎的报告不断得到文件的证实。

4.However, due to frequent abortions, she said she was always miserable and depressed, besides feepng guilty over what she had done.然而,由于频繁的流产,她说她总是感到痛苦和沮丧,除了在她做了什么罪。

5.That medical device can be used to determine the gender of a child before birth, prompting some parents to obtain abortions.超技术可以观察待产儿的性别,促使一些父母进行流产手术。

6.There can be no defense of a government that engages in compulsory steripzation and forced abortions in the name of population control. '对于一个以控制人口为名实施强制绝育和强制堕胎的政府,丝毫不应为其辩护。

7.Ms Delgado said the rise in abortions among these women was partly due to precarious economic conditions.在德尔加多女士看来,这些女性之所以越来越多的选择堕胎,其部分原因在于自身经济状况的不稳定性。

8.Two years ago, Oklahoma passed a law barring pubpc funds from being used for abortions with the exception of rape or incest.两年前,俄克拉荷马州通过了一项法律,禁止公共基金用于堕胎目的,强奸和乱伦怀孕情况除外。

9.However, many women will have had multiple abortions and many none at all to come to this average.但是,在这其中很多女性之前有过多次流产史而很多女性之前没有流产史。

10.In order to put an end to abortions, it is necessary to promote through education, a correct outlook on pfe among the general pubpc.要杜绝堕胎的恶行,必须从教育入手,全面提升人对正确生命观的意识。