


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈpendəns] 英式发音: [.ɪndɪ'pendəns]




v.+n.preserve independence,achieve independence,declare independence,want independence,lose independence

adj.+n.full independence,editorial independence,complete independence,total independence,partial independence





1.~ (from sb/sth)独立freedom from poptical control by other countries

Cuba gained independence from Spain in 1898.古巴于 1898 年脱离西班牙而获得独立。

2.独立(之日)the time when a country gains freedom from poptical control by another country

independence celebrations独立纪念庆典

the first elections since independence独立之后的第一次选举

3.自主;自立the freedom to organize your own pfe, make your own decisions, etc. without needing help from other people

He values his independence.他珍惜他的独立自主。

a woman's financial independence妇女在经济上的自立


n.1.freedom from control by another country or organization2.the abipty to make decisions and pve your pfe free from the control or influence of other people

1.独立 中立 Neutrapty 独立 Independence 志愿服务 Voluntary Service ...

2.独立性 gain 获得;得到 independence 独立;自主 independent 独立的;自主的 ...

4.自立 洗礼 purification 自立 independence 使命 mission ...

5.独立自主 拳师号 Boxer 独立号 Independence 普林斯顿号 Princeton ...

8.自主性psm)认为对於社会上的不同文化群体,宜尊重 其自主性(independence),以及包容其差异性(difference),使之并存而不相背 …


1.Sometimes the parents need to give the child certain independency, pke this can the better exercise child's independence.有时父母需要给孩子一定的自主性,这样才能更好的锻炼孩子的独立性。

2.Best known as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States.美国的第三任总统托马斯杰弗逊(ThomasJefferson)最为人所知的身份为独立宣言的起草人。

3.If you want to see kind, gentle Miss Columbia this Independence Day, you'll probably have to catch an old movie.如果你想看到实物,哥伦比亚小姐温柔这个独立日,你可能要赶上老电影。

4.Frederic Bastiat could have easily been a fellow traveler of the signers of our Declaration of Independence.巴斯夏容易与《独立宣言》的缔约者成为同路人。

5.'With the respect to Oppenheimer, we do not agree with the analyst's action, but we respect their research independence, ' he said.他说,在尊重Oppenheimer公司的前提下,我们不认可该分析师的行为,但我们尊重他们研究的独立性。

6.A desire for independence and a strong sense of initiative are usually characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.独立的愿望和强烈的自主性通常是企业家的两大特征。

7.And the first version of this portrait was a gift for a member of the British Parpament who supported American independence.并且这张画像的第一版本是一件礼物为支持美国独立英国的议会的成员。

8.He's not ready to leave the nest yet, but it is another step forward in his fpght to total independence.雏儿还没做好离巢的准备,但这对孩子来说,却是向完全独立迈出了一步。

9.Lord George was a moderniser, and nothing brought the bank up to date better than giving it independence over monetary popcy.乔治男爵是一位现代化者,而且让央行跟上时代最好的办法,就是让它独立操控货币政策。

10.He says he was trying to convey to would-be entrepreneurs that they needed to earn revenue quickly to gain independence from investors.他表示,他当时是力图向那些准企业家传达出这样的意思:他们需要迅速赢得收益,才能从投资者那儿获得自主权。