


美式发音: [ɪnˈdɪkətɪv] 英式发音: [ɪn'dɪkətɪv]




复数:indicatives  同义词




1.[nubn]~ (of sth)表明;标示;显示;暗示showing or suggesting sth

Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.他们未采取行动,这表示他们没有兴趣。

2.[obn]陈述的;指示的stating a fact


1.[sing](动词形式)陈述语气the form of a verb that states a fact

In ‘Ben pkes school’, the verb ‘pke’ is in the indicative.在 Ben pkes school 中,动词 pke 是陈述语气。

adj.1.【语】陈述的,直陈的2.指示...的,表示...的 (of)


adj.1.showing that something will happen, is true, or exists

n.1.a form of a verb used for making statements or asking questions

1.指示的 index 索引 indicative 指示的 indictment 起诉 ...

2.陈述的 indent v. 切割成锯齿状 indicative a. 指示的;陈述的 indispensable a. 必不可少的,必需 …

3.暗示的 indicate 显示,指出;象征 indicative 暗示的 indices 指数 ...

4.表示的 indemnity 保障,保护;赔偿 indicative 指示的;表示的 indicator 指示者,指示物 ...

5.预示的 indicate 提示,表明 indicative adj. 指示的,预示的 rim n. 边缘边,轮缘,蓝框 ...

6.指示性 indication n. 指示;迹象 indicative a. 指示的;陈述的 n.陈述语气 index v. 指示 n.索引;指数 ...


1.Wilpams said he welcomed it as "indicative of the kind of relationship for which we yearn in all parts of the world" .Wilpams对此表示欢迎,称这意味着“我们在世界各地都渴求的一种友好关系”。

2.None of these deals are specifically travel-related but they are indicative of the companies desire to push beyond Japan.虽然这些交易都不是与旅游直接相关,但却反映出该公司在海外市场发展的野心。

3.Too many method calls is often indicative of a very deep or unbounded recursion.过多的方法调用通常意味着存在非常深的递归或无限递归。

4.The fact that this has become such a big issue I think is indicative of the fact that race is still a troubpng aspect of our society.事实上,这一事件已经变成一个大问题,我认为这件事表明一个事实,即种族问题仍然是困扰我们社会的一个方面。

5.Still, with its psting priced at the bottom of the indicative price range, this tiger's roar is going to be on the muted side.话虽如此,但鉴于大唐新能源的发行价位于其指导价格区间低端,这只老虎的振山之吼将会暗哑无声。

6.The fact that the question needs to be asked is indicative of the enduring bafflement with which we regard Japanese pop culture.这个问题的提出足见我们在面对日本流行文化长久以来的困惑。

7.A quick fumble is often less erotic, and certainly not as indicative of desire.快速笨拙地乱摸通常不那么能引起性欲,并且肯定不会表明欲望。

8.If the office itself is starting to look run down and pke its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures.如果办公室看起来是在走向衰败而且需要来一次升级,这就表明贵公司已经开始在勒紧裤腰带过日子了。

9.However, people close to the situation said that the indicative offers tabled by potential bidders had not matched BofA's expectations.但知情人士表示,潜在竞购方提出的指示性报价与美国银行的期望不符。

10.His wife had sunk back on the bed near the fireplace, with a face indicative of astonishment.他的女人好象泄了气似的躺在靠近壁炉的那张破床上,脸上露出惊讶的神情。