




1.私家车 我的业余爱好- My Hobby 私家车- Private Cars 我们的长江- Our Changjing River ...

2.私人汽车 载客汽车 Passanger Cars 私人汽车 Private Cars 小轿车 Sedans ...

3.私人小汽车 ⑥ reward 回报 Private Cars· 私人小汽车 ① trigger 触发,引发 ...

4.私家汽车 ... 话题4:汽车保养 Car Maintenance 172 话题5:私家汽车 Private Cars 174 话题6:汽修厂 Garag…

5.有关私家车的问题 生活的真谛 True Meaning of Life 有关私家车的问题 Private Cars 微博 Microblog ...

6.私人车 Health and Wealth 健康和财富 Private Cars 私人车 My Family 我的家 ...

7.关于私车的英语作文 ... 金钱与荣誉- Money and Honor 关于私车的英语作文 Private Cars 健康与疾病 Health and Disease ...


1.It does seem to me a bit incredible when there are so many private cars in the city .我简直有点难以相信,纽约的私人汽车那么多。

2.In order to leave clean air, wide and safe roads and abundant energy resources to our descendants, we have to say "No" to private cars.为把清洁的空气、宽阔安全的道路和富饶的石油资源留给子孙后代,我们对私家车只能说“不”。

3.Creation Investment Trading (HK) Ltd. , set up in 2005, has devoted to design high-grade ornaments appped to private cars.创亿投资贸易(香港)有限公司成立于2005年,2008年开始主力研发用于私家车内的高级装饰品。

4.I take as a result of private cars. car rental companies over the price concessions are many specific issues negotiable!因本人私人带车。价格比租车公司优惠很多。具体事宜面议!

5.Gridlock around Beijing has been a conspicuous problem as more Chinese buy private cars.由于越来越多的中国人买私家车,北京附近的交通堵塞已成为突出的问题。

6.Now, some countries have had restrictions on private cars to reduce pollution of the environment.现在,一些国家都对私人汽车进行了限制来降低对环境的污染。

7.Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted.第二点,数量日益增长的私人用车也制造出过量的二氧化碳,空气遭到污染。

8.Much of the demand for highways is due to the needs of commercial vehicles and private cars, but taxis also contribute significantly.当中以商业车辆和私家车对道路的需求最大,但的士的需求也不少。

9.Planned development of the number of private cars benefit social and economic, environmental and ecological the coordinated development.有计划地发展私家车的数量有利于社会经济,环境,生态的协调发展。

10.As far as the great demand for means of transport is concerned, we can develop mass transit to take the place of private cars.至于对交通工具的巨大需求,我们可以发展公交系统来代替私家车。