



美式发音: [ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈɪndɪˌkeɪtə(r)]



复数:indicators  同义词




n.1.something that shows you what condition something is in2.a piece of equipment that shows information3.a turn signal on a car

1.指标 Index 索引指数 Indicators 指示器 Indirect 间接的 ...

3.指示剂 继电器/ Relays 指示灯/ Indicators 电线 Cables ...

6.指示器件库 In Script= 在脚本中 Indicators= 显示 Init from HDD surface= 从硬盘表面初始化 ...


1.Reporters noted that the gap between the number of indicators in different parts of a larger distribution.记者注意到,不同地区分配指标数量差距较大。

2.The kind of hollow batten whose performance indicators meet the national standards can replace the product made of natural gypsum.经测试,该产品完全可替代天然石膏空心条板,技术性能指标达到了国家规定的相关标准。

3.The evaluating indicators of the quapty of teaching has a great ambiguity, that it has no exact outer boundary.课堂教学质量的评价指标没有明确的外延边界,具有很大的模糊性。

4.Develop key performance indicators and industry benchmark to help the company make competitive advantage, and market niche.发展并确定关键绩效指标和行业标准,使公司拥有竞争优势,把握机会。

5.If you keep a sharp eye out for indicators and respond nimbly to shifting forces, the future will never arrive before you know it.如果你对那些指标保持敏锐的眼光,敏捷地对转变的力量做出响应,未来就永远也不会不期而至。

6.Her colleague Andrew Sentance, one of the more hawkish members of the MPC, said he was encouraged by recent economic indicators.她的同事中对通胀持更为强硬态度的森坦斯则表示,近期的经济指标令他感到鼓舞。

7.The emergence of these subtle indicators of incipient democracy has been a result of China's growing trade ties with the outside world.之所以出现这些潜在的初始民主指标,是因为中国和外部世界的贸易联系越来越多。

8.The pst is not exhaustive but a few major indicators of what should not be acceptable while joining an Opportunity.清单并非包罗万象,但有几个主要指标,而不应接受加入可乘之机。

9.As one of the indicators of surface quapty, surface roughness can be used for the prediction of surface performance.表面粗糙度值是表面质量的反映,可用来预测表面的使用性能。

10.First question of CSC performance evaluate is to set up a set of systematic evaluating indicators.建筑供给链绩效评价的首要题目是建立一套系统的绩效评价指标体系。