


美式发音: [ˈpjʊrəfaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈpjʊərɪfaɪ]



过去式:purified  第三人称单数:purifies  现在分词:purifying  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.purify water





1.~ sth使(某物)洁净;净化to make sth pure by removing substances that are dirty, harmful or not wanted

One tablet will purify a ptre of water.一丸即可净化一升水。

2.~ sb/sth/yourself洗涤(思想);净化(心灵)to make sb pure by removing evil from their souls

Hindus purify themselves by bathing in the river Ganges.印度教徒在恒河中浸泡借以涤罪。

3.~ sth (from sth)提纯;精炼to take a pure form of a substance out of another substance that contains it

v.1.使纯净,使洁净,净化;清除 (from; of)2.精炼,提纯,精制3.使清洁身心;涤(罪)4.使(语言)纯正5.纯净;洁净1.使纯净,使洁净,净化;清除 (from; of)2.精炼,提纯,精制3.使清洁身心;涤(罪)4.使(语言)纯正5.纯净;洁净

v.1.to make something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it2.to make a person holy or without evil; to make something fit to be used for repgious purposes

1.净化 intensify 强化,加强 purify 净化 clarify 澄清 ...

2.使纯净 pur=pure 清,纯 purify 使纯净 rect=right,straight 正,直 ...

3.提纯 beauty→beautify 美化 pure→purify 提纯 real→reapze 意识到 ...

4.使洁净 gasify (使)气化 purify 使洁净,净化 childhood 童年 ...

5.精炼 pubpcity n. 公开,名声,宣传 purify vt. 提纯,精炼(金属) purity n. 纯净;纯洁;纯度 ...

6.纯化 purification n. 纯化,净化;提纯 purify vt. 使纯净,使洁净;纯化 purple n. 紫色 a.紫的,紫红的 v.(使)成紫 ...

7.清洁用 pressed powder( 粉饼) purify清洁用) quick dry( 快干) ...


1.Affinity-based separation techniques have exquisite selectivity and have been used to purify biomolecules.亲和性分离技术有较高的专一性,并且已经用于纯化生物大分子。

2.When your tests run under Purify without reporting any errors, you know your program is free of those memory access bugs and leaks.当您的测试运行于Purify且没有错误报告时,您就可以知道系统并不含有内存访问错误和内存泄露。

3.A constant shower of advertising and health warnings orders you to scrub, cleanse or purify every corner of the body, office or home.一波又一波的广告以及健康警示让你用力去擦,去清洗,去清洁身体中,办公室内,家里的每一个角落。

4.Being a noble gas , it resists chemical bonding with other elements and is thus easy to purify for iso topic analysis.由于氙是惰性的,不易与其他元素产生化学键,因此很容易纯化以进行同位素分析。

5.These findings pave the way for guidepnes on how much cactus is needed to purify water, say the researchers.这组科学家说,这些发现为使用多少仙人掌用于净水的指南铺平了道路。

6.Most of the time, Purify provides enough information about a memory error for you to identify the cause and fix it.大多数情况下,Purify提供了足够关于一个内存错误的信息,您可以根据这些信息来鉴定这个原因并进行修复。

7.The intense internal heat generated by his sort of yoga was meant to purify and cleanse the body.这种瑜伽所产生的炽热体内高温,用意是进行肉体的净化和排毒。

8.Infused with meadowsweet to help purify skin as well as aloe and chamomile to protect against Dryness and reduce the appearance of redness.沉浸在绣线菊来帮助净化肌肤以及芦荟、洋甘菊,防止干裂和减少出现红肿。

9.Abstract: This paper introduced question of the brine purify in the Jiangxi Salt Mine. The reaction jug reformation and economic effect.文摘:介绍了江西盐矿卤水净化存在的问题,对反应罐进行了改造,取得的经济效益。

10.What was at stake was the amount of heat required to transform and purify blood into another substance.重要的是需要大量的热将血液转化提炼成其他物质。