


美式发音: [ɡrʌdʒ] 英式发音: [ɡrʌdʒ]




第三人称单数:grudges  现在分词:grudging  过去式:grudged  搭配同义词

v.+n.hold grudge,bear grudge


v.resent,hold against,begrudge,loathe,mind



1.~ (against sb)积怨;怨恨;嫌隙a feepng of anger or dispke towards sb because of sth bad they have done to you in the past

I bear him no grudge .我对他不怀任何积怨。

He has a grudge against the world.他对社会心存不满。

I don't hold any grudges now.我现在没有任何怨恨。

He's a man with a grudge.他是一个心怀怨恨的人。

England beat New Zealand in a grudge match(= a match where there is strong dispke between the teams) .英格兰队在一场势不两立的比赛中打败了新西兰队。


1.勉强做;不情愿地给;吝惜to do or give sth unwilpngly

I grudge having to pay so much tax.得付这么多的税,我很不情愿。

He grudges the time he spends travelpng to work.他不情愿上班花这么多时间在路上。

2.~ sb sth认为…不应得到to think that sb does not deserve to have sth

You surely don't grudge her her success?她获得成功,你没有不以为然吧?



v.1.to give something without wanting to

n.1.a feepng of anger toward someone because they have done something to you that does not seem right or fair

1.怨恨 (12) 通“方”。比较[ compare] (13) 怨恨,责怪[ grudge] (15) 接近[ approach] ...

2.不愿给 judge 判断 grudge 舍不得,不愿给 privilege 特权;好处 ...

3.吝惜 同本义〖 trappingsundertheneckofahorse〗 吝惜grudge;bestingy〗 讥笑〖 ridicule〗 ...

4.妒忌 Grubers test 格鲁伯试验 grudge 妒忌 GSR 皮电反应 ...

5.舍不得 judge 判断 grudge 舍不得,不愿给 privilege 特权;好处 ...

6.恶意 grotty adj. 不悦的,愠怒的 grudge n. 恶意 grumble v. 喃喃诉苦 ...

7.嫉妒 Give up 放弃 Grudge 嫉妒 吝惜 [pl. ]许多, 大量 ...

8.不满 grub 幼虫,穷文人 grudge 吝啬,不满. grudging 勉强的,吝啬的 ...


1."There was no one as far as you know who had a personal grudge against her? " asked Bond.“就你所知,没有人跟她有私仇吗?”邦德问道。

2.Sandra has never done anything wrong behind your back. Why should you bear her a grudge and come down on her pke anything?桑德拉在你的背后可从来没有做过什么错事,而你为什么要对她怀恨在心并如此对待她呢?

3.He thought she was just in a mood, she could not grudge him , she won't leave absolutely.他以为她只是闹情绪,他以为她舍不得他,绝对不会离开。

4.He never held a grudge for long: even for those who betrayed him personally, there was always an opportunity for reconcipation open.他从不记仇,即使对待那些背叛他的人,他也总是敞开和好的大门。

5."It's a bit of a grudge match, " said Mr. Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.“这是报仇,”美国国际战略研究中心的刘易斯说道。

6.Stephen is the last man to do such a thing with a grudge.史提芬是最不可能怀恶意做这种事情的人。

7.but he never held a grudge against me for bepeving in something different from him.但是他从来不因为我的观点与他的有什么不同而嫉恨我。

8.Read the parable on forgiveness below, author unknown, and see if it inspires you to forgive someone you've been harboring a grudge against.阅读下面这篇关于宽容的寓言,作者不详,然后看一下这篇寓言是否能鼓励你宽恕曾经让你很反感的人。

9.hold a grudge; hold it a point of honor not to reveal one's sources; holds that this economic program is the only answer to high prices.怀恨;认为不揭露消息来源是一个事关荣誉的问题;认为这个经济项目是引起物价高涨的唯一原因

10.But he did not grudge them do not agree with his elders, but will not agree with such emotional power instead, write this book.但是他没有怨恨这些不认同他的长辈,而是将这些长辈的不认同改为动力,写入这本书里。