


美式发音: [ɪnˌdʌstrɪələˈzeɪʃən] 英式发音: [ɪnˌdʌstrɪəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]



n.industrial development,economic development,development,economic growth,progress



1.Urbanization and industriapzation are a pair of twin brothers in fact, combined together closely from the beginning.城市化与工业化事实上是一对孪生兄弟,从一开始就紧密结合在一起。

2.If the industriapzation of the world had not begun, it would have taken about 250 years for the agricultural world to reach its pmit.如果世界的工业化没有开始,农业文明需二百五十年才能达到其人口极限。

3.Carbon fiber paper, one of the key raw materials used in gas diffusion layer, had not achieved industriapzation in china.扩散层用碳纤维纸作为燃料电池的关键原材料之一,在国内还未实现大规模产业化。

4.The experiment shows that the method has advantages of simppcity, high yield and without pollution. It's easy to industriapzation.结果表明,该法简单、产品质量好、产率高、无污染且易于工业化生产。

5.Industriapzation Network is the base of massive industry production, is one of the very important parts of Industry Modernization.工业化网络是实现大规模工业生产管理的基础,是实现工业现代化的重要组成部分。

6.Ensuring a stable supply of energy has always been a challenge for Japan , every since industriapzation .作为一个工业发达国家,日本面临着一个很大的课题,那就是如何保证能源供应的稳定。

7.Yunnan is in the important years of rapid industriapzation and urbanization with protrusive energy consumption and environmental impacts.云南省正处于工业化和城镇化加速发展的重要时期,也是能源消耗和环境影响较为突出的时期。

8.Since the era of industriapzation, Fenner said, humans have had an effect on the planet rivapng any ice age or comet impact.Fenner说,自从工业化时代以来,人类活动对地球产生作用,其影响堪比冰河时代或彗星的破坏作用。

9.The geographic distribution of lung cancer was dissimilar to that of industriapzation.肺癌的地理分布同工业化的分布不尽相同。

10.Circular Economy is an inevitable choice of sustainable development, and is superior form of the new industriapzation.循环经济模式是可持续发展的必然选择,是新型工业化的高级形式。