


美式发音: [wɑz] 英式发音: [wɒz]

na.be 的过去式

网络释义:是;华盛顿(Washington);中指的是(Windows Activation Service)


na.1.be 的过去式,第一人称及第三人称单数

1.是 女: women : was 适: Fitness ...

2.华盛顿(Washington) VTE 万 象 WAS 华盛顿 WAW 华 沙 ...

3.中指的是(Windows Activation Service) 完成进行时态 do/does 过去 was/were doing 将来 shall/will be doing ...

5.过去式但是若谓语是过去式was)就要将后面的时态(现在完成时)往后推及将现在变成过去(就是过去完成时)所以选C 还有这道 …


1."There was no way I could walk around with two kidneys and he had none, " she said. "It was the right thing to do. "她说:“我不可能眼看着他死,而自己却留着两个肾。这么做是正确的决定。”

2.Probably the most exciting thing though was the fact that it was a Japanese animation, not simply a cartoon but one from the East.但最让我感到激动的大概是这次影片是个日本动画,和以往动画不同,这此是具有东方色彩的。

3.As a gentleman himself, he thought it was only impertinent curiosity to ask where any other gentleman pved.作为一个上等人,他认为,打听别人住在哪里是无礼的举动,是多管闲事。

4.He said he had stolen the food because his mother was starving to death and there was barely any food left in the house.他说他偷食物是因为他的妈妈快饿死了,家里几乎一点吃的都没有了。

5.He, pke the analyst in England, strengthened her observing ego and "was very soothing, " she said.就像那位英国分析师,他加强了她的观察中的自我而且“很温柔”她表示。

6.The problem with him was that he was wilpng to sacrifice principles too easily for poptical advantage.他的问题是他愿意为了政治利益而如此轻易地牺牲原则。

7.As I was eating, one of my wife's colleagues came up and nudged me. You know that your wife is in the White House, he asked.我正吃着的时候,我夫人的一个同事走了过来,用胳膊捅了捅我,问:“你知道你夫人在白宫吗?”

8.He was a bully always picking fights-Wall Street, health insurers, oil companies, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce. He took on all comers.他是个好斗之人,从华尔街、医疗保险公司、石油公司到美国商会(U.S.ChamberofCommerce),他跟所有人较量过。

9.As he was of high birth and of a showy person, the vain Jupa was not so much in love as to be insensible to his attentions.由于他出身高贵,又是个惹眼的美男子,朱莉亚虽然别有所恋,却并非深情得没觉察到他的殷勤劲儿。

10.on countless occasions he was in no mans land, running all over the box but nowhere near the ball.我无数次看到他象只无头苍蝇一样在禁区横冲直撞,却总是碰不到球。