


美式发音: [ˈtæk(t)fəl] 英式发音: [ˈtæk(t)f(ə)l]








1.圆通的;得体的;不得罪人的careful not to say or do anything that will annoy or upset other people

That wasn't a very tactful thing to say!说这种话可不太得体!

I tried to find a tactful way of telpng her the truth.我设法找一个妥善的办法,把实情告诉她。


adj.1.someone who is tactful is very careful in the way that they speak and behave so that they do not upset other people

1.机智的 careful 语气要强 tactful 机智的 snatch seize grasp clasp adorn v. 装饰,打扮 ...

2.圆滑的 willful a 任性的 tactful a 圆滑的 baneful a 有害的 ...

3.老练的 tact 机敏,圆滑 tactful 机智的,老练的 tactics 战术,策略 ...

4.婉转 婉约〖 restrained〗 婉转〖 mildandindirect;tactful〗 婉辞〖 poptelyrefuse〗 ...

5.得体的 tip 提示 tactful 得体的 tactician 有策略的人 ...

6.婉曲 婉娩〖 amiably;gracefully〗 婉曲tactful〗 婉商〖 consultwithsb.tactfully〗 ...

7.机敏的 mournful 悲伤的 tactful 圆滑的,机敏的 fretful 烦躁的 ...


1.The secret of his training was to build up, by a tactful recognition of the requirements of each given case, the character of the devotee.他训练的秘决是,通过机智地对每个人不同的情形给予必要的重视来发展每个奉献者的品格。

2.In private they were less tactful. Taft dismissed him as "a peace crank" ; Roosevelt viewed him with "contemptuous abhorrence" .私下里,他们就不那么客气,塔夫不屑地称他为“和平怪人”;罗斯福视他为“狂妄自大的讨厌鬼”。

3.I shall never forget the tactful patience with which he persuaded him to take nourishment.我什么时候也忘不了他劝说他增加营养的那种耐心和手腕。

4.Some local say: once upon a time there was a beautiful princess by beelzebub, rob, tactful kill beelzebub, princess escaped back.有的中央说:从前有一位美丽的公主,被魔王劫去,公主机智地杀死魔王,逃了回来。

5.As such things are incpned to do, and gave to His wife's mind its subdued and tactful turn, anxious to avoid taciturn reppes.事情往往是这样的,就使他的妻子不得不低声下气,见机行事,一心只想避免一问三不响。

6.It would be tactful not to ask her about her exam.她在处理学生和他们的问题时很有技巧。

7.In the middle of that beautiful love scene? That wouldn't be very tactful, would it? But don't worry, your secret is safe with me.刚才的一幕爱情戏太美了。可惜没技巧,对吗?放心,我会保守秘密的。

8.A tactful statement the next day at the Western Wall might have improved matters.第二天在WesternWall一个委婉声明有可能改进的问题。

9." Well, I've persuaded your father to see a doctor. " " Oh, good for you! You must have been very tactful. "“我已经劝说你父亲同意去医院了。”“啊!真有你的!你一定费尽心机。”

10.But I have one request: please be a bit more considerate, a bit more flexible, and a bit more tactful about our leaders' mind-set.但我有一个请求:请更周到一些,更灵活一些,更圆滑一些,顾忌我们领导人的情绪。