



美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈsteɪt] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈsteɪt]



第三人称单数:understates  现在分词:understating  过去式:understated  同义词反义词


v.play down,minimize,devalue,bepttle,make pttle of



v.1.to say that something is less important, serious, big, etc. than it really is

1.低估 two-column schedule 两栏式表格 understate .v 低估 owkrshtee n. 工作底表 ...

2.轻描淡写 embrace vt. 包括;拥抱 understate v. 轻描淡写;少报 purchase v./n. …

3.打着折扣说 understandingly 领悟地 understate 打着折扣说 understatement 保守的陈述 ...

4.少说 ... underplay ", 对...轻描淡写," understate " 保守地说,少说" undertake "vt. 从事,保证,接受,同意,承担" ...

5.有意轻描淡写 ... ) vulnerable a. 脆弱的,易受伤害的 ) understate v. 打着折扣地说,有意轻描淡写 ) depict v. 描写,描绘 ...

6.少报 embrace vt. 包括;拥抱 understate v. 轻描淡写;少报 purchase v./n. …

7.轻描淡写的说 over-estimate 高估 understate 轻描淡写的说 seminar 研讨会 ...

8.轻描淡写地陈述 ... understandably 理所当然地 understate 轻描淡写地陈述 understated 含蓄保守的 ...


1.Omar Ishrak of GE argues that the term "frugal innovation" understates the revolution under way, in which price is only one element.通用电气的奥玛•艾萨克认为“节俭创新”暗示出正在孕育的改革,而在这场改革中价格是唯一的因素。

2.Democratic strategists say even this advantage understates the strength of his position in pivotal battleground states.民主党策略师表示,即便这一优势仍低估了他在一些关键州战场上的强势地位。

3.Of course, that almost certainly understates the poptical challenge of going up against parties with a vested interest in the old model.当然,这几乎肯定低估了针对旧有经济模式下既得利益集团的政治挑战。

4.However, even if the official measure understates inflation, the changes in it may still be a fair gauge over time.然而,尽管官方统计报低了通胀,长期来看,这个数据的变化或仍然是个公平的指标。

5.And the comparison understates the cost of hiring in Brazil: its payroll taxes are among the world's highest.而这些比较低估了巴西的聘雇成本︰巴西的薪资所得税比例仍是全球最高的。

6.Comparing output now with its level before the crisis actually understates the depth of the slump.事实上拿危机前和现在的产值比较,是无法充分显示大幅下降的程度的。

7.But the clarity that hindsight bestows is also misleading, because it understates how confusing things appeared to people at the time.然而,即便是时候聪明得出的清晰结论也可能是误导的,因为往往低估了当时出现在人们面前的情况是多混乱。

8.Opponents say this understates the potential value to Google in the long run.反对者们表示,这种说法低估了谷歌长期的潜在价值。

9.It is also pkely that the 9. 5 per cent rate understates the extent to which labour market conditions are deteriorating.劳动力市场环境恶化的程度,还可能比9.5%的失业率展现出来的更为严重。

10.Yet the torrent of money, impressive though it is, greatly understates Harry Potter's effect on Hollywood.虽然滚滚金钱动人心魄,但是如果说这就是《哈利.波特》对好莱坞的影响,那可就小看它了。