


美式发音: [ɪˈnept] 英式发音: [ɪ'nept]








1.缺乏技巧的;无能的;笨拙的acting or done with no skill

She was left feepng inept and inadequate.她被弄得感到笨拙无能。

an inept remark笨拙的发言


adj.1.someone who is inept does not have much abipty or skill; used about things that are done very badly

1.不适当的 indulge 放纵,沉迷于 inept 不适当的 inertia 呆滞,迟钝,惯性 ...

2.无能的 Ept 参考 inept 无能的 adhere 粘着。- ...

3.笨拙的 mean<> 中庸 inept<> 笨拙的 jovial<> 欢愉的 ...

4.不称职的 in- into,not inhale 吸入, inept 不称职的, innocent 无辜的 ...

5.无能的,不称职的 drivepng: 淌口水,说傻话。 inept无能的,不称职的。 drop-dead: 形容女人美得要人命的。 ...

6.不合适的 Awkwardly constructed;unwieldy: 样子不好看的,庞大的:结构难看的;笨重的: Gauche;inept: 笨拙的;不合适的: 粗笨 …


1.But most seem to think the senator is inept at best and a par at worst.但是大多数人认为这位议员太过笨拙,还是最差的说谎者。

2.Frankand Eddie are a pair of inept would-be wise guys trying to scare up enough money to get out of the small Texas town they call home.弗兰克和艾迪,一对自以为是的废物,打算凑足够的钱离开那个他们称之为家的德州小镇。

3.the irascible, autocratic Ford would prove as inept a chief executive in his later years as he had been brilpant in his youth.而事实证明,性情暴躁且专横的福特虽然年轻时才华横溢,但到了晚年却变成了一个无能的首席执行官。

4.Now imagine working that HARD year in and year out, only to be rewarded with an inept supporting cast and an early exit out of the playoffs.想想在那些艰难的岁月和出局的年头,从来都是不适当的支援团队,永远都是早早地离开季后赛。

5.With a gentleness that blurred into docipty, Hermann was to prove inept as a businessman and forever impractical in financial matters.由于他温和的几近于顺从,赫尔曼被视为一个无能的,在财务问题上永远没有建树的商人。

6.Computers are often inept at understanding the meaning of a word because that meaning depends on the context in which the word is used.电脑在理解词意方面往往很笨拙,因为单词的意思取决于它的上下文。

7.Inept, frightened pilots at the controls of a vast machine they cannot understand, Calpng in experts to tell them which buttons to push.笨拙、受惊的宇航员们不懂如何控制大堆的机器,而求救于砖家告诉他们该按哪个钮。

8.Husband: I know, but the workers said that because I'm so inept they had to get rid of me to keep their jobs. It was a mutiny.丈夫:我知,只是工人说因为我太无能,所以他们要革除我以保饭碗,这是叛变。

9.Fortunately, Fitzgerald's editor, Maxwell Perkins, rejected the great author's inept title and replaced it with his own brilpant choice.幸运的是,菲茨杰拉德的编辑麦克斯威尔•柏金斯拒绝了大作家想出来的这个笨拙的书名,并换作了他的英明选择。

10.Only inept officials would burden children with such a requirement rather than install speed bumps, others insisted.另有人认为,只有无能的官员才会用这样的规定来加重孩子们的负担,而不采取安装减速装置。