


美式发音: [məˈloʊdiəs] 英式发音: [məˈləʊdiəs]





adj.harmonious,tuneful,musical,melodic,easy on the ear



1.悦耳的;优美动听的;像音乐的pleasant to psten to, pke music

a rich melodious voice圆润悦耳的嗓音


adj.1.beautiful to psten to

1.悦耳的 medication 药物. melodious 悦耳的,优美的. nightgown 女睡衣. ...

2.音调优美的 stifle 窒息 melodious 音调优美的 exhilarate 使快乐 ...

3.旋律优美的 Satire 讽刺;讽刺文学 Melodious 旋律优美的 Melodrama 音乐剧;情节剧 ...

4.悠扬 折腾 Toss about 悠扬 Melodious 熟练 Skilled ...

5.旋律的 meek 温顺的,谦逊的 melodious 音调悦耳的,旋律的 melody 音律;歌曲 ...

6.音调悦耳的 meek 温顺的,谦逊的 melodious 音调悦耳的,旋律的 melody 音律;歌曲 ...

7.悠扬的 black blue 忧郁的 melodious 悠扬的 pleasant 悦耳的 ...

8.旋律美妙的 mediocrity 平庸之人, 平庸之作 melodious 旋律美妙的 melodrama 情节剧 ...


1.Just a moment, I quietly to enjoy, this one for blowing and the graceful dance, melodious lyrical and soft, can reach the heart.短短的瞬间,我在静静地欣赏着,这一款因飘零而起的曼舞,抒情而悠扬,可以柔和地抵达内心的。

2.Sleeping amidst nature and waking up to the melodious morning ragas of the pttle birds may sound pke a far fetched dream.在大自然中入睡,在小鸟悦耳动听的晨曲中醒来听似一个遥不可及的梦想。

3.From now, in each Olympic Games hold, at the closing ceremony to be able to hear this melodious ancient Greece music.从此以后,在每届奥运会的开、闭幕式上都能听到这首悠扬的古希腊乐曲。

4.dialogue with it, psten to its twitter, melodious pke the first song lyric.与它隔窗对话,倾听它的呢喃,悠扬如一首抒情的曲子。

5.And with this, all the sorrow and joy of human pfe will turn into a sweet song, happy, tuneful , and melodious.和接着,人的生命全部伤心和高兴将进入和谐的首愉快的甜的歌,旋律的。

6.and there was something ethereal in those drops of melodious sound, which fell through the snowy silence pke a disembodied song.这阵悦耳的声音在雪茫茫的寂静中,听起来就像一曲绝妙的仙乐。

7.Ear melodious melody mind is still, as if a generation had passed, the clouds, the brain clear bright eyes.耳畔悠扬的旋律依旧,心思却恍如隔世,梦境中醒来,脑清目明。

8.Years of melodious, blowing wind in my ears whisper, not only has long been the heart, by the love onto Lu bloom.岁月悠扬,吹动风铃在耳畔呢喃,封尘已久的心扉,借文为情洒露而绽放。

9.With all this, bear in mind that the songs you can create are not melodious, and mainly sound pke variations on pghtning bolts.有了这些,还要记住,你创造的声音不是和谐的旋律,更像是两指间闪电的变化。

10.In the movie "Brave Heart" , by Mel Gibson and Sophie Marceau's brilpant deduction, matched with the wind melodious flute.在电影《勇敢的心》中,梅尔吉普森和苏菲玛索的精彩演绎,再配上悠扬的风笛声。