


美式发音: [ˈɪnfəntri] 英式发音: ['ɪnfəntri]






1.(统称)步兵soldiers who fight on foot

infantry units步兵分队

The infantry was/were guarding the bridge.步兵守卫着桥梁。


n.1.soldiers who fight on foot, not on horses or in tanks or other vehicles

1.步兵 impeachment 弹劾,指摘 infantry 步兵团 international common practice 国际惯例 ...

3.步兵部队giant robots),坦克(tanks),和步兵部队(infantry)在一张基于十六进制的地图上.

4.步兵种类 第十五关 原型31( Prototype 31) 步兵种类Infantry) 车辆种类( Vehicles) ...

5.步兵系 特殊系 SPECIALIST 步兵系 INFANTRY 机械系 MOBILE ...

6.现代步兵 法国外籍军团 Foreign Legion 现代步兵 Infantry 法国火枪手 Musketeer ...

7.步兵篇 ... Unit Cost Changes 军队费用的变化 Infantry 步兵篇 Cavalry 骑兵篇 ...

8.士兵 ... "VEHICLE" 车辆 "INFANTRY" 士兵 IMMOBILE 稳定,貌似是无敌的意思 ...


1.Remember also, when you see an opening where your opponent has no anti-infantry protection, to abuse the Buzzer Swarm support power.也要记住,当你看到你的对后没有反步兵保护的空档时,用蜂群召唤能力去虐它吧。

2.A few individuals waited and waited and then, as if assuming an infantry combat crouch, moved cautiously toward the food.少数的猴子一直在等待,最后,好像是摆出一副步兵格斗的架势,小心翼翼地朝食物移动。

3.Just remember to wipeout every Anti- Infantry unit your opponent might have near the building you want to repair.只是要记得干掉您得对手可能拥有得在您想要修理得建站附近得每一个反步兵单位。

4.Scout your opponent in the early game and pump out a few early game infantry to counter any harassment your opponent throws at you.在早期侦察你的对手,抽空造些初期步兵来抵抗敌人的骚扰。

5.As a squadron leader you were sent in countless wars to leave a desolated battlefield for the following infantry.如一位你被送出数不尽的战争为下列的步兵离开一个被荒凉的战场骑兵营领袖。

6.He took God's power for granted, and went up with his infantry regiments, his horsemen by the thousands, and his eighty elephants.他毫不想天主的威能,而只信赖他的几万步兵,数千骑兵和八十匹象。

7.It could also increase the potential range and duration of infantry operations as it would not need to be recharged at base.这也将增加步兵行动的潜在范围和持续时间,因为这种系统不需要在基地充电。

8.But as he told me later, of the 800 men in his infantry, only five survived the war unharmed, "the rest were killed, missing or wounded. "但是他之后又告诉我,他们步兵团的800个人之中,在战争中只有5个人没有受伤的幸存了下来,“其余的人要么牺牲,要么失踪,要么受伤了。”

9.When an infantry patrol sets up in the town square, its potential energy remains as a force to be reckoned with.当一支步兵巡逻队出现在城镇的广场上时,其所具有的势能则将一直保持为一支需要认真对待的力量。

10.If your opponent is throwing infantry at you, put a Stealth Tank or two on hold fire and simply squish them with you Stealth Tanks.如果你的对手向你派来步兵,让一两辆隐形坦克处于停火状态,然后用它们简单的辗过这些步兵。