


美式发音: [skjʊd] 英式发音: [skjuːd]








1.歪曲的;有偏颇的;不准确的not accurate or correct

skewed statistics不准确的统计

2.~ (towards sb/sth)偏向(或偏重)…的directed towards a particular group, place, etc. in a way that may not be accurate or fair

The book is heavily skewed towards American readers.这本书严重倾向于美国读者。

3.偏的;斜的;歪的not straight or level

The car had ended up skewed across the road.汽车最终斜着停在公路上。


adj.1.facts, information, or results that are skewed are not accurate because they have been affected by something2.not straight

1.倾斜的 Snatch: 攫取,抢夺 Skewed: 倾斜的,弯曲的 Disclose: 揭露,透露,泄露 ...

2.歪斜的 29,discernible 可辨别的;可识别的 34,skewed 歪斜的;曲解的 37,controversial 有争议的;有争论的 ...

3.曲解的 29,discernible 可辨别的;可识别的 34,skewed 歪斜的;曲解的 37,controversial 有争议的;有争论的 ...

4.偏斜所申报的大股 东持股比例为0,使得大股东持股比例呈偏态(skewed)的分布,故本研究拟将大股东持股比 例取log 值后加以进 …

6.虚无的偏态 ● 灵魂的身世 Destiny ● 虚无的偏态 Skewed ● 认同 Identity ...

7.分布有时向某一边倾斜数据的分布有时向某一边倾斜(skewed),例如某个班的物理成绩可能有高分或低分特别多的情况。这时众数就能更好地反映出 …


1.It's unclear how wide a cross section of society Friedman used to draw his conclusions, but it's possible they may have been a bit skewed.现在我们还不清楚弗里德曼用以推导该结论的社会层面有多宽,但这些案例可能多多少少有些被曲解。

2.These statistics can be skewed by a few large deals during the course of a year.如果某一年内达成了几笔金额较大的交易,就可能造成统计数据发生巨大波动。

3.Oddly enough, despite the youth-skewed demographics, they seek out parenting info more than users of any other network.奇怪的是,虽然他们的年龄都比较年轻,但是他们对生育类的信息需求要比其他社交网络的用户大。

4.The income number might have been skewed as government statisticians try to make sense of the massive write-offs being recorded by banks.由于政府统计人员试图反映出银行大量冲销资产对经济的影响,因此国民收入总值可能被低估。

5.The volcanic plug might be black Plasticine, the castle balanced sopdly atop it a skewed rendition of crenellated building bricks.火山栓就像黑色橡皮泥一样使砖结构的城堡稳稳的耸立于天地之间。

6.Some banks deny this, so it is worth revisiting how much popcy has been skewed in their favour.一些银行否认了这一点,那就有必要回顾一下政策在多大程度上偏袒银行一方。

7.It was of the opinion that this was also a skewed view of what should be understood by IP and development or being development friendly.它认为,这也是一种对知识产权与发展问题或者知识产权有利于发展问题的歪曲理解。

8.The values for the continuous column form a histogram, where the curve is elongated at the upper end and is skewed toward the lower end.连续列的值构成一个直方图,其曲线在较高端延长并向较低端倾斜。

9.As reasonable as it all sounds, the hypothesis that a skewed sex ratio leads to shorter male pfespan has never been confirmed in humans.所有这些听起来是合理的,这种关于性别歧视导致男性寿命缩短的假说从来没有在人类中获得确认。

10.The authors also found that investment tends to be skewed towards certain products.这组作者还发现投资倾向于向特定的产品倾斜。