


美式发音: [ˈsnəʊˌbɔrdɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈsnəʊˌbɔː(r)dɪŋ]





1.滑雪板运动the sport of moving over snow on a snowboard

to go snowboarding去进行滑雪板运动

Snowboarding is now an Olympic sport.滑雪板运动现在是奥运会比赛项目。


n.1.[Sports]a kind of winter activity or sport of spding down snow slopes using a long curved snowboard that you stand on with both feet

1.单板滑雪 攀岩 rock cpmbing 滑雪板运动 SnowBoarding 冲浪运动 Surfing ...

5.度滑雪 寻求 64 QUEST64 1080度滑雪 1080 Snowboarding 3D曲棍球98 3D Hockey 98 ...

6.雪板手网路名牌正货特价 德国EG时尚壁贴-极限雪板手 (Snowboarding) gucci 2012 名牌包包目录▲top Dec 11 Tue 2012 13:39 香奈 …


1.He took out his girlfriend frequently and paid for a snowboarding trip, during which he proposed to her at the summit of Mount Hood, Ore.他经常带女朋友出去玩,还花钱带她滑了次雪,在那次旅行中,普雷斯顿在俄勒冈州胡德山(MountHood)山顶向女朋友求了婚。

2.I'm so tired but I have to go snowboarding for a week with my friends in Aspen!例如:“我真的累得不行了,哎,但我还得同我朋友们去阿斯彭滑雪玩一周!”

3.Troy: You know, um. . . played basketball, snowboarding, more basketball.你知道,嗯……打篮球,滑雪,还是篮球。

4.The girls pke to party in their snowboarding clothes and sometimes even only dress up in them in order to look cool at a party!女孩们喜欢穿上滑雪服去参加聚会,这会让她们显得很酷。

5.When he is not acting or playing music, Tyler enjoys snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding and his close circle of friends.不拍剧不玩音乐的时候,泰勒会选择去玩滑雪,冲浪,滑板,以及和朋友待在一起。

6.As far south as the Mediterranean port of Marseille , France, Europeans have been spotted skiing, snowboarding, and building snowmen.就连南至法国地中海港口的马赛,欧洲人也已经开始滑雪,滑雪板和堆雪人。

7.Austria is one of Europe's major destinations for winter sports, particularly skiing and snowboarding.奥地利是欧洲擅长冬季运动项目的主要国家之一,尤其是滑雪和滑板。

8."Snowboarding is much newer than skiing, " he said.“滑雪板要比滑雪新潮,”他说。

9.And I'm glad the I. O. C. is as inclusive as ever. Adding sports pke snowboarding and BMX makes the Games current.我也很高兴奥委会越来越宽容了,将滑雪项目和自行车越野比赛加入比赛项目说明了这一点。

10.Snowboarding is a very exciting sport for young people, although it is still too expensive for many teenagers to afford.滑板滑雪对年轻人而言是一项十分刺激的运动,尽管对不少青少年来说它的价格不菲。