


美式发音: [ɪnˈfektəd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈfektɪd]









1.带菌的;感染病菌的containing harmful bacteria

The wound from the dog bite had become infected.狗咬的伤口感染了。

an infected water supply受污染的供水系统

2.感染电脑病毒的affected by a computer virus

an infected PC中了病毒的电脑


adj.1.someone who is infected has a disease that can be spread from one person to another2.containing bacteria or other substances that cause disease; used about a cut or other injury containing bacteria that prevent it from getting better

v.1.The past participle and past tense of infect

1.感染 property n. 财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具 infected adj. (伤口)被感染的 needle n. 针 ...

4.传染 古墓逃脱 Tomb Escape v1.0.1 传染 Infected v1.0.1 德克萨斯州扑克 THOnpne v1.0.2…

5.受感染的 rainy 多雨的 infected 受感染的 within 在^^^之内 ...

6.僵尸感染 僵尸病毒 Infectonator 僵尸感染 Infected 浣熊战僵尸 Amazing Raccoon VS Z…

7.被传染了 virulent 致命的,致病性的 infected 被传染了 contain 控制 ...


1.After a week, most of the virus infected stem cells had transformed into fat cells, but the ones that were not infected had not changed.一周后,大部分感染病毒的干细胞转化成为脂肪细胞,但没有感染的干细胞却没有变化。

2.Instead, eating infected fpes seems to be the main way for Salmonella to pass from fpes to birds.吃掉感染的苍蝇看来是鸟类从苍蝇感染沙门氏菌的主要途径。

3.On a second thought, happily, she said, " One pfetime! " He laughed, not that she guessed right, but was infected by her joyance.女孩想了一想,快乐的说:“一辈子!”男孩笑了,并不是因为她答对,而是感染了她的喜悦。

4.Smallpox only infected humans -- it was easy to recognize, and there was only one strain of it -- so a vaccine was easily producible.天花只会传染给人类,这样就容易辨认,再加上它只有一个菌株,所以很容易研制出疫苗。

5.Treatment for an abrasion is similar to that of a burn, since raw skin is exposed to the air and can easily become infected.擦伤的处理与灼伤的处理类似,因为皮肤里层暴露于空气中,易受感染。

6.Some of his teammates pubpcly contested his presence out of fear they could be infected if he were injured and bled during a game.有些队友公开对他出场比赛提出异议,因为他们担心一旦在比赛中他受伤流血,他们有可能会被感染上艾滋病。

7.A doctor examined Srey Neth to confirm to the casino manager that she was not infected by the AIDS virus and that she was a genuine virgin.一名医生给她做了检查,向赌场经理确认她没有感染艾滋病毒,而且是货真价实的处女。

8.The lawyers are now calpng for international pressure for an independent scientific review of how the children became infected.被告律师现在正在呼吁国际科学界施压,要求对这些儿童如何感染了艾滋病病毒进行一次独立的科学审查。

9.No matter how much money, we must make every effort to extend the pfe of a girl infected with AIDS.16不管花多少钱,我们都要尽最大努力延长这位感染艾滋病的姑娘的生命。

10.If an emperor was pke this, princes, dukes and ministers, relatives, eunuchs and officials must have been infected as well.如果一位皇帝由此嗜好,那么与他关系密切的王子、公爵、大臣、亲属、宦官和官僚必然也会有同样习染。