




1.减压 减薪[ reduce salary] 减压[ reduce pressure;decompression] 减震[ damping;shock absorption] ...

2.减少压力 Record the score 记分 Reduce pressure 减少压力 Reduce 减少 ...

3.减小压力 ... ) pressure attenuation 压力衰减 ) reduce pressure 减小压力 ) reduced pressue 对比压力;减小的压力;减压 ...

4.减轻压力 方便- -Convenient 减负- -Reduce pressure 快捷— Quick ...


1.Cascade design at the front end of the seat helps to reduce pressure on your legs.椅座前端瀑布式的设计,有助于减少大腿受到的压力。

2.He said Sudan would have to lower imports to reduce pressure on the Sudanese pound, which has tumbled against the dollar.他表示,苏丹必须降低进口以减轻苏丹镑的压力,苏丹镑兑换美元的汇率已经下跌。

3.Reduce pressure. Use a larger nozzle. Hold spray gun closer to the surface. Spray at right angles to the surface.改变压力。使用大一点的喷嘴。加近喷枪与底材的距离。调整高度。

4.According to the financial strategic matrix analysis, the company should emphasize growth, to reduce pressure from cash shortage.根据财务战略矩阵方针分析,公司应该重点协调增长问题,缓解公司的现金压力。

5.The weights help reduce pressure within the eyeballs before surgery, which makes the procedure easier.重物帮助减少手术前的眼球压力,可以让手术过程更保险。

6.Multistage cementing is used for long casing strings to reduce pump pressures and to reduce pressure on the formations.多级注水泥用于长套管柱,以降低泵压并降低作用于地层的压力。

7.According to the plan, the companies will reduce pressure at the site by pumping out fluids used in the oil-production process.依照泄压方案,中海油和康菲石油将通过排出石油生产过程所使用的液体来减轻地层压力。

8.A small valve or faucet used to drain or reduce pressure, as from a boiler.泄气阀,小龙头用来排空或降低压力的一种小阀门或小龙头,如锅炉上的

9.Controlpng the maximum of pressure gradient in the process of pre-loading is an effective measure to reduce pressure impact.控制预升压过程中油液的压力梯度的最大值是降低配流冲击的有效措施。

10.And abdominal breathing will increase lung capacity, and reduce pressure on the chest, to medical treatment effect.而腹式呼吸会增大肺活量,并减轻胸部压力,达到治病效果。