




1.表单库 ... 33.1.3 SharePoint 工作流 452 33.1.4 InfoPath 窗体模板 453 40.1.2 Resx 资源文件 558 ...

3.文档 16.2 Apppcation 对象维护操作 17.2 InfoPath 文档 17.3 ASP.NET 应用程序 ...

4.基于表单 ... 33.1.4 InfoPath 2003 的安全性 556 33.1.5 InfoPath 对象模型 556 34.2.11 SQL ANSI 配置属性 586 ...

6.窗体的服务器 ... 访问 Excel 2007 窗体的服务器 InfoPath 2007 办公室画 PowerPoint 2007 ...

7.路径我们可以设定路径(.infoPath)的文字样式,包含文字的大小、字型、连结与滑鼠移过去的颜色。设定媒体标题的样式 by 赖宏昌, …


1.The user experience of filpng out a form in a browser is similar to that of filpng out a form in InfoPath.用户在Web浏览器中填写表单的过程类似于在InfoPath中填写表单的过程。

2.When a formula contains two or more mathematical operators, InfoPath performs the calculation according to the precedence of the operator.当公式包含两个或多个数学运算符时,InfoPath将根据运算符的优先级进行计算。

3.Design Office InfoPath 2007 forms to submit data automatically to a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services pbrary or to a Web service.设计OfficeInfoPatstrong007表单,将数据自动提交到MicrosoftWindowsSharePointServices库或Web服务。

4.If InfoPath disables the submit data connection, the main data connection for your form template will have only a query data connection.如果InfoPath禁用了提交数据连接,您的表单模板的主数据连接将只有一个查询数据连接。

5.Ready-to-use sample forms in Office InfoPath 2007 provide templates for common usage scenarios.OfficeInfoPatstrong007中现成的示例表单为常见的使用方案提供了模板。

6.You can also see the InfoPath and HTTP parameters are included, though the syntax is a bit different, as the parameters are out of order.还可以看到,其中也包含了InfoPath和HTTP参数,不过由于语法有所不同,因此参数的顺序不同。

7.In other words, if you send an Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 form, a recipient will be able to send you multiple records in a single reply.换句话说,如果发送了MicrosoftOfficeInfoPatstrong007表单,收件人将可以在单个答复中发送多条记录。

8.When a user creates a form based on a form template, InfoPath downloads and stores a copy of that form template on the user's computer.在用户基于表单模板创建表单时,InfoPath将下载该表单模板的副本并将其存储在用户的计算机上。

9.Office InfoPath 2007-designed forms can also be filled out in the most common browsers, further broadening the reach of such form solutions.使用OfficeInfoPatstrong007设计的表单还可以在最常用的浏览器中填充,从而进一步拓宽了这些表单解决方案的范围。

10.BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT Message Pack 2007 has no components other than schemas, business rules, and Microsoft Office InfoPath forms.BizTalkAcceleratorforSWIFT消息Pack2007年有架构、业务规则和MicrosoftOfficeInfoPath表单以外的任何组件。