




1.知性特质的哲学家型J) 内倾直觉情感判断 (INFJ) INFJ) 内倾直觉情感知觉INFP) INFP) 外倾直觉情感知觉 (ENFP) ENFP) 外倾直 …

3.化解者 ... 深思熟虑的人 : cogitator 深思熟虑型INFP 整理] ... 深思熟虑的 / cogitative/ ...

6.路加以人为中心 马可强调耶稣行动 ESFP 路加以人为中心 INFP 冷静型=黏液质 the Phlegmatic ...


1.INFP- "the martyr" - This type tends to sacrifice themselves in an effort to promote their pecupar sense of truth.INFP——“烈士”——这种牺牲自己倾向于努力推销他们的特殊意义的真理。

2.When things go wrong in a relationship, the INFP takes it to heart but does not readily discuss it with others.当一段关系发生了问题,INFP们放在心里但是不大与他人进行讨论。

3.When a new leisure pursuit is found, INFPs typically do a great deal of research.当发现了一种新的休闲活动,INFP们通常都会做很多研究。

4.INFP (Introverted feepng with intuiting): These people are ideapstic, self-sacrificing, and somewhat cool or reserved.(内向理性带直觉):这类型的人是理想、自我牺牲、而且有点冷漠和沉默寡言。

5.When people type INFP to persuade others to bepeve that the importance of their ideas may be the most convincing.当INFP型的人劝说别人相信他们的想法的重要性时,可能是最有说服力的。

6.Things that traditionally belong together may not be placed together because the INFP does not see it as necessary.传统上属于一起的东西可能不会被放在一起,因为INFP们没看到必须那么做的理由。

7.INFP type known things people are interested in the possibipty of outside, focus on their dreams and imagination.INFP型的人对于已知事物之外的可能性很感兴趣,精力集中于他们的梦想和想象。

8.But when tasks at hand are important and best done in an organized way, INFPs strive to do so.但是当手上的任务很重要,并且最好用有组织性的方法去完成时,INFP们会努力去那么做。

9.Their style is not an aggressive one but is highly persistent; only reluctantly do INFPs assume leadership roles.他们的风格不具进攻性,但是非常持久稳固,只是INFP们并不愿意担任领导职务。

10.The INFP leadership style is subtle, gentle, indirect, and inclusive of others.INFP的领导风格是灵敏的、温和的、间接的和涵盖他人的。