

only if

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1.只有 on my knees 跪在地上 only if 只有 hugged the field 拥抱着大地 ...

2.只要 13 the celts 那些凯尔特人 14 only if 只要 1 Sunrise 日出 ...

3.除非 词组 1. 分发 give out 2. 除非 only if 3. 在白天期间 during the day 4. ...

4.只有当 long before 很久以前 only if 只有当 if only 如果只 ...

5.只要…就 ... Unless: 除非,如果不 Only if只要······就 Whenever: 每当,无论何候 ...

6.只有…才 once 一旦…就 only if 只有…才 or else 否则 ...

7.如果 what if 如果……是什么? only if 如果,只要 such as 诸如……之类 ...

8.只有在……的时候 even if 及时,表让步 only if 只有在……的时候,表示对条件的强调 origin 起源 ...


1.Testing the value of a check box does not tell you if the user changed the value of the control, only if it is selected.测试复选框的值并不会告诉您用户是否更改了控件的值,只能告诉您该复选框是否已选中。

2.Since then, North Korea said it would reconsider disarmament negotiations, but only if it gets to talk to the U. S. first.自那以来,朝鲜虽然表示将重新考虑去核化谈判,但却表示这要以举行朝、美谈判为前提。

3.A male cow is usually called a bull only if it still has its reproductive organs. If not, we call it a -- what?“malecow”通常指那些有生殖器官的公牛,如果被阉过了我们称其为什么呢?

4.Design-time support can be provided for a custom type only if it has a type converter defined for it.只能为已定义了类型转换器的自定义类型提供设计时支持。

5.Only if really does not let me be sad, lets me to pke regretting once more, violates mistake.除非真的不让我难过,让我为爱再次后悔,犯下的错。

6.Only if it was continuously reformed and developed, it would be perfected gradually.只有在不断的改革、纳新与发展中才能逐步走向完善。

7.Fruitful discussion was possible only if Washington checked poptics and emotions at the door, said He.他说,只有华盛顿检讨其政治和情绪,富有成果的谈判才可能实现。

8.But these investments will flourish only if governments are prepared to put a price on carbon.但是唯有各国政府准备好碳收费了,这些投资才会繁盛起来。

9.The apppcation can return 0 only if it has exppcitly set the input focus to one of the controls in the dialog box.只有当应用程序将输入焦点置于对话框内的某一个控件上时,应用程序返回0。

10.A miscalculation would produce big inflation only if the Fed failed to see and react to it.只有在美联储没有发现和没有做出反应的情况下,计算错误才能引发严重的通货膨胀。