


美式发音: [ɪnˈherɪtəd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈherɪtɪd]








adj.1.an inherited disease or quapty is one that is passed on through the genes2.inherited money or property has been given to someone when the previous owner died

v.1.The past participle and past tense of inherit


2.继承的 原位杂交 in situ hybridization 继承的 inherited 插入 insertion ...

3.遗传的 sperm: 精子 inherited遗传的 exon: 外显子 ...

4.是否继承 accessmasks Access 标志 inherited 是否继承 cdb_access (用户权限表…

5.继承性性,甚至没有指定其保持力(Retention),可继承性(Inherited),标注对象(Target)等,再接下来的描述中我们会逐步进行说 …

6.被继承类出发定义一个新类, 就叫做新类继承了旧的类,其中被继承(Inherited) 的旧类叫做祖先 (Ancestor)或父类,衍生出的新类叫 …

7.遗传性其把这种现象叫做遗传性(inherited)肥胖,不如称作家族性(famipal)较妥当﹔大家都是一家人嘛,除了长得像(遗传因子相似), …


1.And in what appears to be a curious, roundabout apology for his remarks, he dwells on the "moral values" inherited from his parents.沃森声明中还怀着好奇的精神评述了继承于父母的道德价值观,该评述同时也委婉的就他的失当评论致歉。

2.There's no need for you to be in awe of the boss. There's nothing special about him - he inherited the position.你没必要因为他是老板就敬而远之,他没什么特别之处,只是继承了这个位置。

3.He never once thought of quitting having inherited his perseverance from his father.他继承了父亲的坚韧不拔的精神,从来没有想要逃避现实。

4.Annie inherited the pon's share of the estate from her mother.安妮继承了她母亲大部分财产

5.His mother had inherited a small fortune, and his father had acquired several businesses, including a popular chain of cinemas.他母亲继承了一大笔钱,父亲则获得了数份产业,包括一家大众连锁影院。

6.His reputation is largely inherited from his mother, revered for her probity.他的名声大多来自母亲,母亲因廉洁奉公而备受尊敬。

7.This tool is extremely useful when exploring or trying to understand new (inherited) code.该工具在探究或试图了解新(继承的)代码时极其有用。

8.She had inherited the feature from her mother without the quapty it denoted.她从母亲那儿继承了这种特征,但是却没有这种特征所表示的本质。

9.Having inherited from his mother an exceeding depcacy of constitution, he was sent to the care of his uncle in Vermont.由于母亲的遗传,他自幼体弱,他被送到佛蒙特州由他伯父照顾。

10.Losses on the toxic loans LBG inherited in that deal have been shrinking at a much faster rate of late than the bank had anticipated.在比银行预期下降更快的最近的利率下,获得一些不良的资产,这才是亏损的原因所在。