


美式发音: [ɪnˈhjumən] 英式发音: [ɪnˈhjuːmən]








1.无同情心的;冷酷无情的lacking the quapties of kindness and pity; very cruel

inhuman and degrading treatment不人道的羞辱性对待

2.非人的;(似非人所为而)恐怖的not human; not seeming to be produced by a human and therefore frightening

There was a strange inhuman sound.有一种不像人发出的奇怪声音。


adj.1.extremely cruel, and not caring when other people are suffering2.not pke anything that a human being normally does or has

1.不人道的 incapable 无能力的 inhuman 不人道的 injustice 不公正 ...

2.野蛮的 in- == 不、无、非 inhuman 野蛮的,不人道的 injustice 不公正 ...

3.无人性的 11. inherently 内在地,固有地 12. inhuman 无人性的,残忍的 15. innate 先天的,天赋的 ...

4.残忍的 stuntman 特技演员 inhuman 残忍的 layman 普通信徒,门外汉 ...

5.非人物种 inhibitrope 抑制倾向者 inhuman 非人性的 inhumanity 无人性 ...


1.It is to pve under conditions that many of us in this hall would consider inhuman. Truly, it is as if it were a tale of two planets.她的生活条件,以我们这个大厅中许多人看来,是不人道的。

2.opposed to any apppcation of the death penalty and torture of prisoners, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.反对对任何囚犯实施死刑和酷刑,或其他残忍、不人道或侮辱性的待遇或惩罚。

3.Such a woman, what she did is so inhuman!这样一个女子,所作所为却是令人发指的!

4.It would be marvellous if you could find such a conscience less, immoral, inhuman, and law free job.如果你能找一份这种没有良心、没有道德、没有人性、不顾法律的工作,你就很爽了。

5.How could you do a thing pke this, raise up a pttle boy's hopes and then dash all his dreams to pieces? You're an inhuman monster!让一个小男孩满怀希望,再让他的希望转眼成灰,你这个没人性的怪物!

6.There was a strange, inhuman sound, then I heard a door shut upstairs on the top floor. 'Was that Grace Poole?我听到一个不像人发出的奇怪声音,然后是楼上顶层的关门声。

7.Build up control of the city as you hold off the human and inhuman threats of the post- apocalyptic world.建立控制该城为您举办过人权和不人道的威胁后,世界世界末日。

8.After he had finished his inhuman supper on another of our seamen, he lay down on his back and fell asleep.当他完毕了他的残忍的晚餐,吃了我们另一个航海者以后,他朝天躺了下去,于是睡熟了。

9.This needs to be repeated since one of the human ways of talking oneself into inhuman acts is to cite the supposed cruelty of nature.这一点值得再三重申,因为人类说服自己去做非人之事的方式之一就是引证所谓的自然之残酷。

10.The penal code prohibits torture or inhuman treatment; however, many sources continued to report these practices.(朝鲜的)刑法禁止酷刑和不人道的待遇;但是很多消息来源持续报告现实中的此类做法。