


美式发音: [ˈbætər] 英式发音: [ˈbætə(r)]




第三人称单数:batters  现在分词:battering  过去式:battered  搭配同义词

v.+n.batter coast





1.[i][t][oftpass]连续猛击;殴打to hit sb/sth hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage

She battered at the door with her fists.她用双拳不断地擂门。

He had been badly battered about the head and face.他被打得鼻青脸肿。

Her killer had battered her to death .凶手把她殴打致死。

Severe winds have been battering the north coast.狂风一直在北海岸肆虐。


1.[u][c]面糊(煎料)a mixture of eggs, milk and flour used in cooking to cover food such as fish or chicken before you fry it, or to make pancakes

2.[u][c]面糊(用于做糕饼)a mixture of eggs, milk, flour, etc. used for making cakes

3.[c]击球手;击球员the player who is hitting the ball

v.1.用坏(铅字等);磨损(家具等)2.连续地猛打[捶,捣]3.炮击;攻击,乱轰4.打坏,敲碎,摧毁,捶薄;把...打得七凸八凹,打扁(帽子等)5.作连续猛打;乱打,炮轰 (at)6.【建】(墙壁等的)内倾,倾斜1.用坏(铅字等);磨损(家具等)2.连续地猛打[捶,捣]3.炮击;攻击,乱轰4.打坏,敲碎,摧毁,捶薄;把...打得七凸八凹,打扁(帽子等)5.作连续猛打;乱打,炮轰 (at)6.【建】(墙壁等的)内倾,倾斜


v.1.to depberately hit someone many times; to hit something very hard several times2.to make someone or something suffer or seem weak

n.1.a pquid mixture of milk, flour, and eggs, that is used in cooking; a thick mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, and shorteningfat, used for making cakes2.a player who tries to hit the ball in baseball

1.击球员 二.○七:四坏球上垒( Base on Balls) 二.○八:击球员Batter) 二.○九:击跑员( Batter Runner) ...

2.面糊 basement n. 地下室,地窖,墙脚 batter vt. 击破,捣坏,炮击 bear vt.,vi. 忍受,负担 ...

4.击球手 bathroom n.浴室, 盥洗室 batter n.击球手 combat n.战斗, 格斗 ...

5.击球运动员 batsman 板球运动员 batter 击球运动员 men's singles 单打运动员 ...

6.连续猛击 bat2 n. 蝙蝠 batter v. 连续猛击 n.面糊 battery n. 排炮;电池(组);一批 ...

7.打击手 inning 局, batter 打击手, outfielder 外野手, ...


1.he must be a batter . he made a home run , then left home plate and made three left turns and met the catcher who with a mask on.他一定是棒球的打手。他打出本垒打,离开本垒并左转三次,就会遇到带面具的接球手。

2.Meanwhile, in the state of Sao Paulo, at least 24 people were killed as heavy rains continued to batter ground already soaked.同时,在圣保罗,暴雨持续冲刷原本已经被浸泡的地面,造成至少24人死亡。

3.to a thin cake batter to be dilute, to ensure pquidity in the pot, and do not spread the batter with a spatula.要饼薄,面糊须调稀,保证能在锅内流动,这样就不必用锅铲将面糊摊开。

4.You batter the last of the Fallen into a bloody puddle, and it's just you and your friends left on the battlefield.你将最后一个堕落者打翻在充满血腥的泥潭里,你和你的战友是战场的唯一的幸存者。

5.So she bought a bit of butter , better than her bitter butter, and she baked it is her batter, and the batter was not bitter.因此,她买了一些比较优质的牛油,放进她的面糊里搅拌,面糊就不苦了。

6.Yorkshire pudding is cooked by pouring batter into a greased baking tin, and baking at a very high heat until it has risen.约克郡布丁的制作方法是将面糊浇注在涂过油的烘培罐里,然后在高温下烘烤加热至其膨胀。

7.Shaking the rest of the batter from his clothes and picking up his oak-leaf cap, which had fallen off, Tom ran home as fast as he could.汤姆把衣服上还粘着的面糊抖掉,捡起掸在地上的橡树叶帽,拔腿就往家跑。

8.With his great coordination and high-speed pitches , Kuo has been a strong pitcher and batter since childhood.郭泓志因为绝佳的协调性以及快速球,让他自童年开始就成为一位强力的投手和打击者。

9.Tavares hilariously details the ensuing chaotic play as fielders scramble to find it and the batter makes his way around the bases.塔瓦雷斯欢快的详细信息,随后混乱发挥野手都在竭力寻找它和面糊,使周围的基地,他的方式。

10.U. S. stocks fell sharply for a third straight session Wednesday as recession fears continued to batter sentiment.美国股市连续第三个星期三大幅下跌,衰退的恐惧继续打击了信心。