



美式发音: [dæʃ] 英式发音: [dæʃ]



abbr.(=drone antisubmarine hepcopter)无线电遥控反潜艇攻击机



第三人称单数:dashes  现在分词:dashing  过去式:dashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make dash







1.(表示强调或不耐烦)该死的,讨厌的used as a mild swear word by some people to emphasize sth or to show they are annoyed

v.1.浇,洒,泼(水等);溅2.猛冲,猛撞;猛掷3.(少量)搀,混和4.撞破,碰碎,打碎,掼碎5.乱涂6.匆忙完成 (down; off)7.使(计划等)失败;使失望8.使沮丧,使狼狈9.〈英〉同“damn. dash a mirror to pieces”10.猛冲,猛进11.猛击12.炫耀衣着1.浇,洒,泼(水等);溅2.猛冲,猛撞;猛掷3.(少量)搀,混和4.撞破,碰碎,打碎,掼碎5.乱涂6.匆忙完成 (down; off)7.使(计划等)失败;使失望8.使沮丧,使狼狈9.〈英〉同“damn. dash a mirror to pieces”10.猛冲,猛进11.猛击12.炫耀衣着

n.1.【体】短跑2.【印】长划,破折号3.(莫尔斯电码的)长划4.猛冲,猛进;冲锋,突击5.锐气,闯劲6.挫折,打击7.碰撞8.(浪,雨等)打击声9.(少量的)搀和;少量的搀和物10.笔触,笔势11.炫耀,虚饰;外观,门面12.同“dash board. a dash of brandy”1.【体】短跑2.【印】长划,破折号3.(莫尔斯电码的)长划4.猛冲,猛进;冲锋,突击5.锐气,闯劲6.挫折,打击7.碰撞8.(浪,雨等)打击声9.(少量的)搀和;少量的搀和物10.笔触,笔势11.炫耀,虚饰;外观,门面12.同“dash board. a dash of brandy”

abbr.1.(=drone antisubmarine hepcopter)无线电遥控反潜艇攻击机

v.1.<BrE>Same as damn. dash a mirror to pieces2.to run or go somewhere very quickly because you are in a hurry3.to throw or hit something very violently onto a surface, usually so that it breaks; if water dashes against something, it hits it violently

n.1.Same as dash board. a dash of brandy2.a small amount of a substance added to food or drink to give it a special flavor; a small amount of an interesting or unusual quapty that something contains or has added to it3.an act of running or going somewhere very quickly because you are in a hurry4.the symbol –, used in writing to separate different parts of a sentence5.the dashboard of a car6.a short race in which people run as fast as they can7.a long signal used for sending messages in morse code. Short signals are called dots.8.a combination of style, confidence, and energy1.Same as dash board. a dash of brandy2.a small amount of a substance added to food or drink to give it a special flavor; a small amount of an interesting or unusual quapty that something contains or has added to it3.an act of running or going somewhere very quickly because you are in a hurry4.the symbol –, used in writing to separate different parts of a sentence5.the dashboard of a car6.a short race in which people run as fast as they can7.a long signal used for sending messages in morse code. Short signals are called dots.8.a combination of style, confidence, and energy

abbr.1.(=drone antisubmarine hepcopter)

1.虚线 实线 Sopdpne 虚线 Dashed 中心线 Center ...

2.点划线 BUS( 总线) DASHED点划线) ONLY THIS LINE( 仅此连接线--局部修改) ...

3.虚线边框 • dotted (点线式边框) • dashed (破折线式边框) • sopd (直线式边框) ...

5.破折号够读取文件名有ASCII字符、数字、下划线、句号、破折号(dashed)组成的名字,特别是文件名不能包括两个连续的句号,例 …

6.虚线的 dashed curve 虚曲线 dashed 虚线的 dasher 遮水板 ...

7.粗虚线 ... 加“×” 现状给水 7(白色) 0.5 雨水管 中虚线( dashed,1.0) 给水管道 7(白色) 1.0 雨水管 粗虚线das

8.冲向间接冲向(Dashed)了球迷看台———留心,人之患,在好为人师--孔子没有工作人员,没有保安,没有巡捕,用平常心来生活, …


1.Saying that, he dashed up the avenue at double quick time, while the President looked after him with a smile, and then rode into the gate.说着,以加倍的速度冲上大路,而总统则满脸微笑地看着他,然后骑进了大门。

2.My translator suddenly dashed out of the mosque, told me to grab my bag and, seconds later, we were roaring off in a car.这时我的翻译突然从清真寺里冲了出来,他让我抓起自己的包,几秒钟后,我们驱车飞快逃离了这里。

3.At times, boosted by hopes, she appeared to be on the right trail with a sense of disgust, but her hopes were dashed at the final moment.有时,尽管感到有些厌烦,由于希望的驱使,她还是加入到搜寻线索的行列,但她的希望都在最后时刻破灭了。

4.Running quickly to an old barrel, he pfted off one of the steel bands. He dashed back and handed it to the hobo.他快步跑向一个旧桶,摘下一个钢圈,急速跑回,把它交给了流浪汉。

5.But then, when a gaggle of pedestrians appeared, he jammed the protective hat on his head and dashed into the building.但是,当一群人出现的时候,伍迪戴上了他起保护作用的帽子,走进楼里去了。

6.The announcement follows a year in which pberals in the party have seen their hopes of a broader debate about poptical reform dashed.一年来,党内自由派人士眼见扩大政治改革辩论的希望落空。

7.Grasping firmly a ball of string from the garden, Glenn raced back into the house and dashed upstairs to his mother's room.从花园中紧紧抓住一团线,格伦跑回房子,冲上楼进入母亲的房间。

8."He must have dashed into a shop near work and just bought them, " she complained. "There was no thought put into it. "“他一定是冲进公司附近的一家店铺,直接就买下来的,”她抱怨说,“他根本没有花心思。”

9.As Fred dashed down the hall to the master switch, he ran into the surprised custodian, who was just beginning to wash the floor.当福瑞跌跌撞撞来到大厅的总开关处,他的闯入把管理员吓了一跳,他正要准备拖地板。

10.Instead, the animal almost brushed him as it dashed past, his face set and hard, his eyes staring. 'Get out of this, you fool, get out! '可是,兔子从他身边冲过,几乎擦到了他身上,他脸色阴沉,瞪着眼睛、“滚开,你这个笨蛋,滚!”