


美式发音: [ˈpeɪnzˌteɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['peɪnz.teɪkɪŋ]





adj.+n.painstaking work





1.需细心的;辛苦的;需专注的needing a lot of care, effort and attention to detail

painstaking research细心的研究

The event had been planned with painstaking attention to detail.这次活动的细节是经过精心计划的。



adj.1.done or doing something very carefully and slowly

1.苦干的 humorous 幽默的 painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的, initiative 首创精神 ...

2.费力的 traditionapst n. 传统主义者;因循守旧者 painstaking a. 苦干的;费力的 invariably ad. 不变地 ...

3.辛苦 painless 无痛的 painstaking 辛苦 paint box 颜料盒 ... ...

4.煞费苦心的 painkiller 止痛药 painstaking 煞费苦心的 palate 上腭;口味;爱好 ...

5.艰苦的 2.paddy:n. 稻田 4.painstaking:a. 刻苦的,艰苦的 7.pang:n. 一阵剧痛 ...

6.辛勤的 humorous 幽默的 painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的, initiative 首创精神 ...

7.辛苦的 paddler 划独木舟者 painstaking 辛苦的,辛勤的 painting 绘画,油画 ...


1.After these very long, painstaking operations, attempting to cure things they'd never been able to touch before, the patients died.医生经过长时间辛勤的手术,企图去治愈他们过去从未接触到的病症,但最后病人死了,他们死于严重感染。

2.Painstaking to the point of mania, he often cast his ballets at the last minute, usually after trying out several dancers in each role.通常情况下,他是在让几位演员分别饰演每个角色后,才在最后一分钟为他的芭蕾舞剧敲定人选。

3.A few races remain so close they are bound to be the subject of painstaking recounts and protracted legal battles .这句是不是可以译作:有几次的竞选票数仍然很接近,他们注定要痛苦的等待重新计算的结果,并进行拖延的法律斗争。

4.In fact, volunteers have pttle idea how much their painstaking efforts over the last decade have touched Gansu's people.其实志工们自己不知道的,在甘肃十年奔波,也撼动了甘肃上上下下人心。

5.This painstaking process yields five tonnes a year, but he cannot bear to sell a gram of it.辛辛苦苦忙完整套工序,每年可以做出5吨奶酪,但他一克也不卖。

6.After a morning of painstaking effort, they still haven't gotten my drift, staring at me blankly and driving me up the wall.教了一整个上午,费尽心血,他们仍然不懂,只是一直瞪着我,我苦恼极了。

7.Seeking after happiness has been a most painstaking experience , but one that I would not trade for anything .追求幸福对我来说是十分艰苦的经历,但却是一种用什么我都不换的经历。

8.Annapops was the culmination of a patient and painstaking diplomacy of almost a year.安纳波利斯是积累了将近一年的耐心细致的外交政策。

9.I lost a year due to my leg injury and the recovery process was slow and painstaking , so now I'm back I need to be playing regularly.因为脚伤,我浪费了一年的时间,恢复过程是如此的缓慢与艰辛,所以现在我回来了我需要经常踢比赛。

10.Now we were finally ready to begin the painstaking work of building the first evolving intelpgent system.现在我们最终准备好开始首个进化智能系统的辛苦构建工作。