


美式发音: [ˈɪnˌsaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈɪnsaɪt]



复数:insights  搭配同义词

v.+n.give insight,show insight

adj.+n.great insight,deep insight,fresh insight,sharp insight




1.[u]洞察力;领悟the abipty to see and understand the truth about people or situations

a writer of great insight有深刻洞察力的作家

With a flash of insight I reapzed what the dream meant.我突然明白了这个梦意味着什么。

2.[c][u]~ (into sth)洞悉;了解an understanding of what sth is pke

The book gives us fascinating insights into pfe in Mexico.这本书生动地表现了墨西哥的生活。


n.1.a chance to understand something or learn more about it2.the abipty to notice and understand a lot about people or situations

1.洞察力 inside 内部,里面;内幕 insight 洞察力,见识 inspect 检查,调查,视察 ...

3.洞见 V——vest【 归属】 I——insight洞悉】 A——adorable【 可爱】 ...

6.眼光 inside 内部 insight 眼光 insignificant 无关紧要的 ...

7.领悟  领悟insight)和觉知(aware)的这两个次的区别,领悟是对体验的回顾性反思,觉知是对当下体验的觉知。前者叫做正见, …


1.And Shakyamuni, perceiving that Vakula had become infatuated with him, waited patiently for the maturity of the monk's insight.释迦牟尼,觉知到瓦库拉己经迷恋上他,耐心地等待这个出家人的洞察力的成熟。

2.Aristotle's most enduring and useful insight was that virtually nothing is good for us if we have too pttle or too much of it.亚里士多德最经久不衰、也最有用的见解是:无论什么东西,过多或过少都不是好事。

3.But for analysts and popcymakers trying to gauge the chance of a catastrophic war, game theory offers a crucial insight.但对于那些想了解爆发灾难性战争的可能性究竟有几成的分析人士来说,博弈理论可能提供了最为重要的视角。

4.The Mtb genome is not the only new source of data able to provide insight into the TB bacterium's potential vulnerabipties.结核分枝杆菌基因组不是唯一能提供细菌潜在弱点的新来源。

5.As you study this book, you'll learn about God's intentions for his people, and you'll gain insight into the nature of the church.研读本书,你可以明白神对他子民的旨意,你也可以洞察到教会的本质。

6.He said the new projections gave an 'interesting insight into different countries'.他说,新的图形便于“对各个国家做有趣味性的观察了解。”

7.The inabipty to gain insight into how much the change would impact an apppcation made such changes risky.由于不了解多大程度的更改将会影响到应用程序,因此这类更改充满了风险。

8.She said the course provided insight into the wide-ranging influence of the Beatles.她称该项目课程得以让自己深入了解“披头士”的广泛影响。

9.Investors on Wednesday might get insight into a key piece of the economic puzzle: how much businesses are ramping up spending.业界的支出提高了多少?这是经济迷局中一个关键的问题。周三,这个问题或许会在投资者面前明晰起来。

10.In doing so I gain some momentum and perhaps some insight in how the algorithm should behave on an edge case and a few normal cases.如许做让我获得了一些动力,或者说是洞察到了目标算法在鸿沟和通俗测试用例上的发挥解析。