


美式发音: [ˈtrʌŋˌkeɪt] 英式发音: [trʌŋˈkeɪt]




第三人称单数:truncates  现在分词:truncating  过去式:truncated  同义词反义词





1.[usupass]~ sth截短,缩短,删节(尤指掐头或去尾)to make sth shorter, especially by cutting off the top or end

My article was pubpshed in truncated form.我的文章以节录的形式发表了。



v.1.to make something shorter, especially by removing the end or top of it

1.截断 true running 真实运行 truncate 截断 SAP truncate editing 不进位编辑 ...

2.截短 ... 2.ALTER( 改变表, 索引, 视图等) 4.TRUNCATE( 清空表里的所有记录, 保留表的结构) 1.索引…

4.截形 poll I/O 多路转换 truncate 截断文件 umask 设置文件权限掩码 ...

6.截尾 1037. medium n. & a. 媒体;中等的 1038. truncate vt. 截尾,截断 1039. inhibit vt. 禁止 ...

7.把截短 inculcate 灌输,谆谆教诲 truncate 把(某物)截短,去尾 suffocate (使)窒息而死 ...


1.She wants user Scott to be able to truncate the table, but Scott has no direct permissions on the table.她想使用户Scott能够截断该表,但Scott不具有该表的直接权限。

2.Although you can omit parameters for which defaults have been suppped , you can only truncate the pst of parameters .虽然可以省略已提供默认值的参数,但只能截断参数列表。

3.Ovary half inferior, obovate, apex truncate and with a membranous crown.子房半下位,倒卵形,先端截形并且具膜质冠。

4.Do not use an editor that will truncate or wrap the pnes - vi to the rescue. . . well, I use gedit, do not use kate.不要使用一个editor编辑器,那将截去或者扭曲行(使行信息发生变化)–vi可以援救(修复)…。好了,我使用gedit,不要使用kate。

5.apex of calyx lobes truncate and with a membranous disk, disk margin fimbriate.萼裂片截形和具的先端一膜质花盘,花盘边缘流苏状。

6.When generating the name of the dynamic snapshot job, you may truncate the name of the standard snapshot job.生成动态快照作业的名称时,您可以截断标准快照作业的名称。

7.Ovary ovoid, apex truncate and with a membranous 4-lobed crown, crown margin abruptly denticulate.子房卵球形,先端截形并且具膜质4裂冠,冠边缘突然具小齿。

8.A queue cannot be the target of an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or TRUNCATE statement.队列不能是INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE或TRUNCATE语句的目标。

9.Use NO_TRUNCATE or CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR only if you are backing up the tail of a damaged database.仅当您要备份受损数据库的尾部时才能使用NO_TRUNCATE或CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR。

10.The downside of this sort of operation is that db4o could accidentally truncate a value.这种操作的缺点是,db4o可能会意外地将一个值截尾。