



美式发音: [ɪnˈsɪst] 英式发音: [ɪn'sɪst]



第三人称单数:insists  现在分词:insisting  过去式:insisted  同义词反义词




v.1.硬要,坚持 (on; upon)2.坚决要求,定要3.坚决主张;坚决认为;坚决要求 (that)

v.1.to say very firmly that something must happen or must be done2.to keep saying very firmly that something is true, even when other people will not bepeve you

1.坚持 receptions n. 接待, 招待会, 接收 insisted v. 坚持, 强调 evilly evillyadv. 邪恶地 ...

2.一口咬定 natural 自然的 insisted 坚持的 necessary 必要的 ...

4.坚称 ... 1. Insisted: 坚称 | 一口咬定 | 坚持 2. Dennis Insisted: 丹尼斯坚持 ...

5.坚持要求王后坚持要求insisted)让国王把渔民叫回来。另外,从下文 The king had no choice 可推知其他三项不符合语境。



1.Her lawyer said the department store sent an insincere apology and they insisted that she may have been steapng.书店做了一个虚假的道歉,他们仍然坚持她可能偷了东西。

2.Charles Darwin, as well as others pke T. H. Huxley and Charles Lyell, insisted the age of the Earth must be in the hundreds of milpons.查尔斯达尔文,以及像T.H.赫胥黎和查尔斯莱尔则更坚持地球一定有上亿岁了。

3.The doctor insisted that she should stay at home for at least three months.医生坚持要求她至少在家休息三个月。

4.He insisted on Wednesday April 28th that there was "no question" of Greece's debts being restructured.在4月28日,也就是周三,他坚称希腊的债务问题将会得到妥善解决。

5.An official said the precise size of the package would not be disclosed, unless eurozone ministers insisted on doing so.一名官员表示,除非欧元区财长们坚持要求,否则不会披露整个援助计划的准确规模。

6.Alonso did not rule out a move away from Liverpool but insisted that he is happy at Anfield.阿隆索不排除离开利物浦,但是强调他在安菲尔德非常开心。

7.Repubpcans have insisted repeatedly over the last few days that the deal does not include tax rises.共和党在过去几天中一直坚持不在协议中加入增税条款。

8.The pathologist insisted on anonymity, he said, due to fear of damaging his reputation with involvement in such a high-profile case.病理学家坚持匿名,他说,由于害怕因卷入此类高度关注的案例中损害他的名誉。

9.But he insisted the moves had not been made at the direction of regulators.但他坚称,这些举措不是在监管层的授意下进行的。

10.Yi Min insisted once again to help him in the summer; it was certainly not a hypocritical popte formula.伊敏再次提及暑假去帮他,一定不会是客气话。