



美式发音: [ˈpʌpɪt] 英式发音: 



复数:puppets  同义词

n.marionette,dummy,doll,glove puppet,hand puppet



n.1.a doll or figure representing a person or animal that is moved using the hands inside the figure or by moving rods, strings, or wires attached to it2.a person, government, or organization whose actions are controlled by others

1.木偶 matchmaker n. 媒人, 安排体育比赛的人 puppets n. 傀儡, 木偶 cruelty n. 残忍, 残酷 ...

2.木偶戏 夏天的尾巴, Summer's Tale 木头人, Puppets 少年不戴花, It Seems to Rain ...

4.傀儡 ... C20 ANIMALS,TOY,CLOTH 布制玩具动物 C30 PUPPETS 手掌玩偶 C40 TOYS,CLOTH,N.E.S. 未列名布制 …

6.布偶上举办特殊展示活动,片中所有角色和布景都是先制作成布偶Puppets)和模型,再透过「停格动画」(Stop motion)的方 …

7.木偶节 Citizenship and Immigration Canada( 加拿大移民网站) puppets( 木偶节) Canada Map( 中英文对照) ...


1.The puppets here are made of various colors of sponge, cut and assembled. They look just lovely and I was almost about to bring some home.图片中的每一个掌中玩偶,是用各种颜色的海绵切割组合而成,看了真是让人爱不释手,我差点就想带几个回家。

2.I know that when some of you hear the word "puppets" it may be a pttle scary, but these puppets were really, really cute. haha.那我知道有些人听到“操纵木偶”会有点可怕,但是我跟你说他的傀儡非常非常可爱,哈哈。

3.He bepeved that the proverbs they all followed were pulp and that they were all the puppets of their leaders. And as Dr.他认为他们都遵循的那些格言其实很低级,他们都是些领导者手下的木偶。

4.I am not able to understand the position of Western countries, which appear to resent independent-minded leaders and seem to prefer puppets.我无法理解西方国家的立场,他们似乎更喜欢傀儡而憎恶独立思考的领导人。

5.All weekend, the children had been involved in workshops, making hats to puppets and masks.整个周末,小孩子们都在各种各样的作坊里,亲手制作自己的帽子,木偶或是面具。

6.The puppets which they placed in power to be the visible face of The Plan, are now going to have to face the people they set out to destroy.他们所设置的处于权力位置的傀儡们为了被曝光于天下,现在正必须面对他们原本毁灭的人民。

7.Pinocchio went inside the tent. Everyone looked at him. The puppets were surprised. Pinocchio could move without strings.皮诺奇走进帐棚,大家都看着他,木偶们也都很惊讶,皮诺奇居然可以不靠线拉就能自由行动。

8.Make puppets with the children and put on a puppet show for family and friends, or help children put on a skit about what they experienced.和孩子们一起做木偶并为亲友上演木偶剧,或者帮助孩子上演关于自己所经历事情的短喜剧。

9.Turn old, orphan socks into cute puppets by simply sticking buttons for eyes and using a felt pen to draw other features.把旧的,单只的袜子做成可爱的玩偶。只需要把末端粘在一起做出眼睛,并用水彩笔画出其他的特征就可以了。

10.Oh, are you sure? Because you know, you could make pttle puppets out of them, and you could use them in your Theater of Cruelty .真的吗?要知道你可以把它们做成小玩偶,放在你的“残酷剧场”里。