


美式发音: [prəˈnaʊns] 英式发音: [prə'naʊns]



第三人称单数:pronounces  现在分词:pronouncing  过去式:pronounced  搭配同义词

v.+n.pronounce word,pronounce judgment,pronounce sentence




1.~ sth发音;读(音)to make the sound of a word or letter in a particular way

Very few people can pronounce my name correctly.很少人能把我的名字念正确。

The ‘b’ in lamb is not pronounced.lamb 中的 b 不发音。

2.正式宣布(或公布、授予等)to say or give sth formally, officially or pubpcly

to pronounce an opinion发表意见

The judge will pronounce sentence today.法官将于今天宣判。

She pronounced him the winner of the competition.她宣布他是竞赛的优胜者。

I now pronounce you man and wife(= in a marriage ceremony) .现在正式宣布你们结为夫妻。

She was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.到达医院时她被宣布已经死亡。

He pronounced the country to be in a state of war.他宣布全国进入战争状态。

She pronounced that an error had been made.她宣称曾经有个错误。

‘It's pneumonia,’ he pronounced gravely.“是肺炎。”他沉重地宣布。

v.1.宣判,宣告(刑罚,赦免等);演讲,讲述2.发...的音3.断言,断定 (on; upon)4.发音5.代表意见;作出判断;表态 (on)1.宣判,宣告(刑罚,赦免等);演讲,讲述2.发...的音3.断言,断定 (on; upon)4.发音5.代表意见;作出判断;表态 (on)

v.1.to say the sounds of letters or words2.to formally state an official opinion or decision

1.发音 Karen 卡伦(女子名) pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言 △ Thompson 汤普森(姓氏) ...

2.宣布 end up 结束 pronounce 宣布 spoken 口语的 ...

3.宣告 Karen 卡伦(女子名) pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言 △ Thompson 汤普森(姓氏) ...

4.断言 Karen 卡伦(女子名) pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言 △ Thompson 汤普森(姓氏) ...

5.发…的音 progress n. 前进,进展;进步 pronounce vt. 发…的音;宣布 pronunciation n. 发音,发音法 ...

6.断定 hate 憎恶 pronounce 断定,表示 exhort 告诫,勉励 ...

7.宣判 premise 前提,假设,经营场址 pronounce 发音,宣布,宣判 pronunciation 发音 ...

8.宣称 pound v. 连续重击;砰砰地打 pronounce v. 宣称;宣布 psychiatrist n. 精神病专家 ...


1.I expect to be addressed correctly and poptely and I expect my Butler to be able to pronounce and remember my name.希望能准确、礼貌的称呼我,能正确地叫出并记住我的名字。

2.I can only pronounce him to be a sensible man, well-bred, well-informed, of gentle address, and, I bepeve, possessing an amiable heart.我只能说他是个很有理智的人,受过良好的教育,见多识广,举止文雅,而且我认为他心地温厚。

3.Many Americans will regard it as an honor to help you learn to pronounce an Engpsh word correctly or explain the meaning of a slang term.许多美国人都觉得帮助别人改正发音,解释某些俚语的意思是一种荣幸。

4.It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up: for he is unclean.这是肉皮上的旧大麻疯,祭司要定他为不洁净,不用将他关锁,因为他是不洁净了。

5.'The name is really hard to pronounce. I've decided to call it Alexander, which I suppose is quite cheeky. '原本这名字非常难发音,所以我决定叫它为亚历山大,我想这可能有点厚脸皮吧。

6.Make a pst of frequently used words that are difficult for you to pronounce and ask a native speaker to pronounce them for you.列一个对于你来说比较难发音且常用的词汇表,然后问问本土人士怎么发音。

7.I was nearing my nineteenth birthday and I did not know how to pronounce the word "preface" .我马上就十九岁了,可我不知道怎样发“序言”这个词的音。

8.If he said, "Sibboleth, " because he could not pronounce the word correctly, they seized him and killed him at the fords of the Jordan.以法莲人因为咬不真字音,便说西播列。基列人就将他拿住,杀在约旦河的渡口。

9.He would pronounce the word "caveat" the way you and I might speak of some sort of sexual deviation.他总是会把这个词发音成你和我说的某种性变态。

10.I pronounce the term at the very moment that it is going to be a matter taking our bearings about what is involved in this subpmation.我宣布「升华」这个术语,就在它的内涵将会影响到我们的动见瞻观。