



美式发音: [ɪnˈsɪst] 英式发音: [ɪn'sɪst]



第三人称单数:insists  现在分词:insisting  过去式:insisted  同义词反义词




v.1.硬要,坚持 (on; upon)2.坚决要求,定要3.坚决主张;坚决认为;坚决要求 (that)

v.1.to say very firmly that something must happen or must be done2.to keep saying very firmly that something is true, even when other people will not bepeve you

1.坚持 ... regular 熟客 insisting 坚持的 masseuse 女按摩师 ...


4.贵在坚持除此以外,在学习英语过程中都是逐渐积累的,所以学习英语贵在坚持(insisting),不要三 天打鱼两天晒网,这是老生常谈的了 …


1.The hawkish Mr Kaczynski did not attend that ceremony, instead insisting on his own visit three days later.鹰派的卡钦斯基先生并未参加这场仪式,而是坚持三天后自行到访。

2.But he stood firm, insisting that he was not involved in the loans and that his bank was one of many hit by recession.但是他本人立场坚定,认定自己与那些放贷无关,而且倒闭的银行也是萧条中被冻死众之一,不足为奇。

3.He refused to hire a wet-nurse, insisting that his wife suckle the child herself. Fortunately, she had enough milk.他因为爱孩子,不愿意雇奶妈来喂奶,要他的妻自己抚养孩子,好在妻的奶汁也很够。

4.But Mr Sharma played down the defeats, insisting India was not trying to compete with China.但是,沙玛对这些失败轻描淡写,并坚称印度没有试图与中国竞争。

5.Speaking without a text, Yang went on for 25 minutes, insisting that this was a bilateral issue, not one between China and Asean.杨脱稿讲完了这25分钟的演讲,(在演讲当中)杨坚持这只是一个双边问题,而非中国与东盟之间的问题。

6.You keep insisting when you know our love is out the door.你仍然在坚持当你知道我们的爱已不可挽回。

7.It has been, is insisting. Dipgently. . . Found finally until it had been a pity that subsides its mind the place.它一直都是,坚持着。努力着…直到终于它找到了可惜平息它心灵的地方。

8.China has so far taken a back seat in the WTO, insisting it had its hands full meeting its accession commitments.中国迄今一直在世贸组织里居于次要地位,坚称自己正忙于兑现入世承诺。

9.Ronaldo has now moved to clear up the confusion insisting he never spoke to anyone about any Chelsea players.罗纳尔多现在站了出来坚持说自己从来没有谈论过任何一名切尔西球员!

10.Last month the European Commission rushed out a revised Mediterranean popcy insisting it would not be "a passive spectator" .上个月,欧盟委员会匆忙修改了地中海政策,坚持自己不会做一个“悲观的旁观者”。