


美式发音: [ˈlɔɡˌɑn] 英式发音: [ˈlɒɡɒn]





logon— see alsologin


n.1.the process of performing the necessary actions to open a computer program or start using a computer system; a name and password that you use for opening a computer program or starting using a computer system

1.登录 logical port 逻辑端口 logon 注册 logon script 登录脚本 ...

3.登录脚本 java script 基于 logon script 登录脚本 Multiple User Dimension、Multiple User Dial…

4.登入 Logical: 逻辑的。 Logon登陆。 Lossless: 无损的。 ...


7.登录进入表单主要功能* 登录进入表单logon)* 发送忘记密码(Send Forgotten Password)* 修改密码(Change Password)* 用户列表(…

8.登陆界面- 登陆界面(Logon)目录:增加TX_1.5清凉夏季版配套登陆界面一套;- 工具栏样式(Styler)\TB\skins\Styler's\目录:增加TX_1.5 …


1.Since the customization reflects the entire displayed webpage, each locale is able to have its own custom logon page.因为定制控制显示的整个网页,每个地区可以有自己的定制登录页面。

2.After all three keys for a type of logon have been used, the Cpent Access server deletes the oldest key and creates a new one.使用了某个登录类型的全部三个密钥之后,客户端访问服务器将删除最早的密钥并新建一个密钥。

3.Also, after you select a logon account, we recommend that you do not use that logon account for any other purpose.此外,选择登录帐户之后,我们建议不要将该登录帐户用于其他任何用途。

4.It enforces that you are the only one allowed to logon to your Internet banking account.它要求您是允许访问Internet银行账户的人。

5.Cpnt apppcation must be very Simple, either it connects automatically on windows logon, or cpent 've to double cpck on Desktop shortcut.克林特应用程序必须非常简单,要么是自动连接在Windows登录,或客户已经在桌面上的快捷方式将翻一番点击。

6.Do not reveal any sensitive data that may pose a security risk for your organization on the Outlook Web Access logon page.不要在OutlookWebAccess登录页面上显示可能会给组织带来安全风险的任何敏感数据。

7.Note that this one-level password cache for unlocking a workstation is different from cached domain logon credentials.请注意这一级别的密码缓存解除工作站锁定不同缓存的域登录凭据。

8.This property specifies whether the 'Log On As Service' privilege should be automatically granted to the specified Logon user or not.此属性指定是否应将“以服务方式登录”权限自动授予指定的登录用户。

9.Every process executed in Windows requires an access token, also referred to as a logon token.在Windows中执行的每个进程都需要一个访问令牌(也称登录令牌)。

10.Note that a given logon identifier must be unique but can be assigned to any number of roles.注意:给定的登录标识符必须是惟一的,但可以指派任意数目的角色。